Collecting Fractions Automatically (Autopurification)
Performing Autopurification

First, create a sequence that contains the samples for fractionation.

Then, have Chromeleon analyze the samples chromatographically to check whether fractionation is appropriate. From the original analytical samples (Auto Purif. Type = Analytic), Chromeleon can automatically create the necessary preparative samples (Auto Purif. Type = Preparation). Determine the conditions in the Create Purification Samples Post-Acquisition Step.


The Create Purification Samples post-acquisition step is available only if the timebase is connected to the related server, if this server is running, and if an Extended Fraction Collection license is installed.

The preparative samples are injected from the same vials/tubes as the original analytical samples.

For more information, refer to:

 Creating Preparation-Type Samples

 Using Optimized MS Threshold Values

Afterward, fractionation is performed. This step, too, can be monitored chromatographically. Use the Create Fraction Analysis Samples post-acquisition step to create the necessary fractionated samples (Auto Purif. Type = Fraction). Only then will it be possible to chromatographically reanalyze the individual fractions later.


The Create Fraction Analysis Samples post-acquisition step is available only if the timebase is connected to the related server, if this server is running, and if an Extended Fraction Collection license is installed.

For more information, refer to  Creating Fraction-Type Samples.

For an overview of how to perform Autopurification, refer to  Collecting Fractions Automatically (Autopurification).