Collecting Fractions
Editing Signal-Independent Fraction Collection Parameters
After you have created a basic program with the PGM Wizard, you can later edit this program in the PGM Editor as described in Creating and Modifying PGM Files.
The following signal-independent parameters are listed in the Commands dialog box under Fraction Collection. (To open the Commands dialog box, press the F8 key in the PGM Editor.)
Parameter |
Min. |
Max. |
Description |
ChannelEvaluation |
All |
Any |
Determines how the results of the single detection channels are used for peak detection. |
CollectFractions |
No |
By_Peak |
Performs fraction collection based on peak detection. Note: Detected fractions will trigger related events after the delay time, even if CollectFractions is No at that time. |
By_Time |
Performs fraction collection independent of peak detection. |
CollectOutsidePeaks |
No |
Yes |
Determines whether fractions are collected outside peaks, also. |
0.0 s |
9999.9 s |
Delay time between the first detector and the Fraction Collector. |
DelayVolume |
0.0 µl |
5000.0 µl |
Delay volume between the first detector and the fraction collector. (Based on the flow, the delay volume is converted into the corresponding DelayTime.) |
MaxTubesPerFraction |
0 |
999 |
Maximum number of tubes per fraction. If the specified number is reached, no additional tubes are used to collect the current peak. Set this parameter to Unlimited to collect all peaks completely. |
PumpDevice |
Pump whose flow is used to convert between time and volume. |
TotalNumberInstalled |
0 |
9999 |
Number of tubes installed in the rack. If this number is exceeded, the TubePosition parameter is reset to 1 if the TubeWrapping option has been selected. Otherwise, the batch is terminated.
A warning appears in the Audit Trail when the TubePosition parameter is reset to 1. |
TubeChangeDuration |
1.0 |
100.0 |
Time in seconds until the next fraction can be collected.
This property is especially useful if several channels are used for peak detection. If one peak is detected in one channel a little later than in another channel, a new fraction is usually started. Set the TubeChangeDuration parameter to prevent this. |
TubeMaxVolume |
0.000000 |
1000.000000 |
Maximum liquid level in the tube in [ml]. If the specified volume is reached, the next tube is filled.
Set the TubeMaxVolume parameter to Unlimited to prevent the next tube from being filled automatically. |
TubePosition |
1 |
9999 |
Position of the tube in the current fraction. |
TubeWrapping |
No |
Yes |
If this option is selected, the TubePosition parameter is reset to 1 when TotalNumberInstalled is reached. |
You can set the following properties in the PGM Wizard, also:
Set CollectFractions and CollectOutsidePeaks on the General Options page.
Set DelayTime to TubeWrapping on the Peak Detection Options page.
Set ChannelEvaluation on the Channel Selection page.
These properties cannot be changed during a peak. Any attempted change will produce the following warning: "Parameters cannot be changed until the current peak has ended. New value will be assigned at peak end." The change will become effective as soon as the current peak ends.
When performing Autopurification, you can correct the parameters set in the PGM File for all other samples in the sequence on the control panel. Use the corresponding parameters of the Dionex_Purification_Parameters device driver (see Collecting Fractions Automatically (Autopurification) Setting Correction Parameters).
For the signal-dependent parameters, refer to Editing Signal-dependent Fraction Collection Parameters.
In addition to these parameters, various read-only variables are available. These variables are only displayed if you open the Commands dialog box on a control panel. They allow you to check the peak detection status (see Checking the Fraction Collection Status on the Control Panel).
For an overview of the fraction collection topics, refer to Collecting Fractions.