Fraction Collector

At the detector output, fractions can be collected for preparative chromatography as well as for the exact determination of the separated substances in subsequent analytical procedures. A fraction collector is imperative if this is routine operation.

The fraction collector must collect the fractions depending on the incoming signal; that is, fraction collector control is performed using extensive Programs. If the absorption signal exceeds a specified threshold value, Trigger commands are used to close a relay and move to the next collecting tube.

Install the Fraction Collection driver in the Server Configuration program. Using this driver considerably shortens the respective program and thus facilitates fraction collector control. In addition, install the Device Driver for the respective fraction collector in the server configuration program. The Fraction Collection driver is comparable to the Integrator Driver that is required, in addition to the respective pump driver, for recording the pump pressure.

For information about how to control fraction collectors, refer to  Collecting Fractions.