Collecting Fractions Automatically (Autopurification)
Setting the Correction Parameters (Settings Panel)

The Dionex_Purification_Parameters driver supports several parameters that allow you to later change the settings for single fraction collection parameters defined in the PGM File, e.g., if you come across an unfavorable setting for a special parameter when processing a long sequence.


Unlike all other properties, the values for these parameters are not reset to the values in the PGM File when a new sample is started. Thus, these values are valid for all other samples.

To change a setting, click Settings on the Administration.pan panel. The Settings sub panel appears.


To use the default values for the parameters listed in the panel sections below, click the associated SET DEFAULT VALUES button.

For many parameters, a NOW button is provided. Click this button to apply the new value immediately. In all other cases, the new value is used after the current sample has been processed completely.

The appearance of the panels may vary, depending on the installed version. Therefore, the parameter names listed below may be slightly different from the names on your panel version.


Pressure Monitoring

Enable use of the following pressure monitoring parameters by selecting the Use global parameters for pressure monitoring check box or via the GlobParPressMem parameter in the Commands dialog box:




Upper pressure alarm level


Upper limit for the system pressure. If the pressure exceeds this value, a warning appears and no sample will be injected.

Lower pressure alarm level


Indicates the lower limit for the system pressure during a run. A pressure below this value indicates a leak. A warning appears and the system is stopped immediately.



To enable the disconnect function, select the Disconnect System in Case of Emergency check box or use the Disc command in the Commands dialog box. When this function is active, Chromeleon interrupts software control for all modules while the Emergency Program is running.


Threshold Values for Fraction Collection

Enable use of the related peak detection parameters by selecting the Use parameters below for peak detection check box or via the GlobParUVDet or GlobParMSDet parameter in the Commands dialog box:





Peak Start Threshold (UV)


The signal threshold must exceed this value for a peak start to be detected (PeakStartThreshold of DetectionChannel1).

Peak End Threshold (UV)


The signal value must be below this value for a peak end to be detected (PeakEndThreshold of DetectionChannel1).

Threshold Do Not Resolve (UV)


Above this threshold value, a new fraction tube is used in the minimum between two peaks if these peaks are not baseline separated (ThresholdDoNotResolve of DetectionChannel1).

Threshold No Peak End (UV)


The signal value must be below this value for a peak end to be detected (PeakEndThreshold of DetectionChannel1)

Peak Start Slope (UV)


The slope must exceed this value for a peak start to be detected (PeakStartSlope of DetectionChannel1).

Peak End Slope (UV)


The signal slope must be below this value for a peak end to be detected (PeakEndSlope of DetectionChannel1)

Peak Start Curve (UV)


The curvature in [Signal]/s^2 must exceed this value for a peak start to be detected (PeakStartCurve of DetectionChannel2).

Peak End Curve (UV)


The curvature in [Signal]/s^2 must be below this value for a peak end to be detected (PeakEndCurve of DetectionChannel2).

Peak Start True Time (UV)


Time in seconds for which the PeakStart conditions must be fulfilled. Only then, a peak start will be detected (PeakStartTrueTime of DetectionChannel1).

Peak End True Time (UV)


Time in seconds for which the PeakEnd conditions must be fulfilled. Only then, a peak end will be detected (PeakEndTrueTime of DetectionChannel1).

Peak Start Threshold (MS)


The signal threshold must exceed this value for a peak start to be detected (PeakStartThreshold of DetectionChannel2).

Peak End Threshold (MS)


The signal threshold must be below this value for a peak end to be detected (PeakEndThreshold of DetectionChannel2).

Threshold No Peak End (MS)


The signal value must be below this value for a peak end to be detected (ThresholdNoPeakEnd of DetectionChannel2).

Peak Start Slope (MS)


The slope must exceed this value for a peak start to be detected (PeakStartSlope of DetectionChannel2).

Peak End Slope (MS)


The signal slope must be below this value for a peak end to be detected (PeakEndSlope of DetectionChannel2)

Peak Start True Time (MS)


Time in seconds for which the PeakStart conditions must be fulfilled. Only then, a peak start will be detected (PeakStartTrueTime of DetectionChannel2).

Peak End True Time (MS)


Time in seconds for which the PeakEnd conditions must be fulfilled. Only then, a peak end will be detected (PeakEndTrueTime of DetectionChannel2).



The parameter names determined for DetectionChannel1 and DetectionChannel2 imply that DetectionChannel1 is a UV channel and DetectionChannel2 is an MS channel.

Fraction collection





Channel Evaluation "ALL"


Determine how the results of the detection channels are to be used for peak detection:

Selecting this check box, activates All, i.e., the condition must be true for all channels.

Clearing this check box, activates Any, i.e., the condition must be true for only one channel.


Enable use of the following fraction collection parameters by selecting the use parameters below for fraction collection check box or via the GlobParFr parameter in the Commands dialog box:





# of Tubes Installed


Maximum number of tubes available for fraction collection in the system.

Tube Max Volume


Maximum volume per tube.

max # Tubes/Fraction


Maximum number of tubes per fraction.


High throughput

Enable or disable the procedure for increasing the sample throughput:




ARC Logic


Enables or disables ARC logic. (ARC logic must be off for isomers.)

Injection Mode


Enables or disables overlapping sample preparation.


Threshold values ARC Logic

Enable the following fraction collection parameters by selecting the use parameters below for ARC logic check box or via the GlobParEarlTerm parameter in the Commands dialog box:






UV threshold value for a target peak



MS threshold value for a target mass


Continuous Fraction Collection

To enable fraction collection outside of peaks by selecting the Collect outside peaks check box or via the ColOuts parameter in the Commands dialog box.


For an overview of how to perform Autopurification, refer to  Collecting Fractions Automatically (Autopurification).