Data Storage

Intelligent data storage and organization is a prerequisite for fast and efficient access to specific data. That is why Chromeleon stores data and files in different locations. Databases and sequence directories, which are both part of the  Datasource, are available for this.

Storing data in a database

Data that can be compared across sequences is stored and managed in a relational, ODBC-capable database. This applies to all Sample and Sequence Data. The advantages of this type of data management are comfortable integration in other applications, such as Excel, Access, dBase, etc., and efficient searching and sorting capabilities.

Therefore, you can perform, for example, a Query to find all samples processed on a certain day, created by a certain user, and/or having a certain name.

Storing data together with the sequence

The entire data describing the chromatographic treatment of a sample or recorded during the analysis is stored in a Sequence, including control files (PGM File), evaluation parameters (QNT Method), and the entire raw and protocol data (see Data Management  Raw Data Storage).

History (Modification History)

For the datasources, you can enable the modification history (in short: History). This allows you to document all modifications together with the user name and the object name.

Objects can be samples, sequences or datasources, Control Panels, Report Definition Files (RDFs), PGM Files and/or QNT files, and modified chromatograms.

For more information, refer to How to …: Working with Files, Databases, and Networks  Tracking File Modifications (History) in the Administrator Help section.