The Control Program

Modern analytical laboratories usually analyze many samples. These samples are grouped in Sequences and processed with a chromatographic control Program. The control program is part of the PGM File. When creating a program, you include a list of commands and the times when the commands will be executed (relative to the time of injection). Chromeleon automatically adds the Inject and End commands. The Program is displayed in the Commands view of the PGM Editor:


Dionex recommends always editing programs in the associated Device view. The Device view is easy to use and ensures correct command syntax. Use the Commands view only if the desired parameters are unavailable in the Device view.

When starting the program, all commands are executed precisely at the defined time.

For more information, refer to:

 The Control Program (Details)

 The Program Wizard

 The PGM Editor

 The SmartStartup Wizard

The SmartShutdown Wizard

 The Program Syntax