Installing Dionex Devices
Dionex UltiMate 3000 ECD-3000RS Electrochemical Detector: Installation


Device Type:

Electrochemical Detector

Device Driver:

HPLC: UltiMate 3000: ECD-3000RS

Hardware Options

  • 4 channels

  • DC mode

  • Pulse mode

  • thermally controlled column compartment


The following detector functions are not supported in Chromeleon:


What is required?


Timebase Class 1


USB Connection

A free USB port and the following cable is required:

  • USB cable (Dionex part no. 6911.0002) to connect the device to the server PC via the USB port.

Pump Connection

The detector provides a functionality on input 3 that will turn the cells off in case of a stopped pump flow to prevent the cells from being damaged. This functionality requires a hardware connection between the detector and the pump with a 6-pin Mini-DIN cable (Part-No. 6070.9911). For information on how to connect pumps of the UltiMate 3000 series (except the LPG-3400XRS pump) or other external devices, see the Operating Instructions for the detector. See below for a description how to monitor input 3 on a control panel.

Control Panel:

To control the instrument, use

  • panel tabsets (refer to How to:  Controlling Devices from the Panel Tabset)


  • UltiMate_3000_ECD-3000RS.pan from the
    Dionex Templates\Panels\Dionex_LC
    folder in the Browser.


Hardware Installation


Thermo Fisher recommends connecting the detector to the UltiMate 3000 Pump, so that if an error is registered in the pump, the cells will be turned off to avoid damage. For details, refer to the Operating Instructions for the detector.

First, install the Chromeleon software, and then connect the instrument to the USB port on the Chromeleon server PC.

You can connect all modules of an UltiMate3000 system, and then connect the system to the Chromeleon computer via only one USB connection.


To ensure trouble-free operation, use only the cable shipped with the instrument.

For more information about how to connect the system modules, refer to the instrument's operating instructions.

Also refer to Connecting Dionex Devices via USB.

Software Installation

  1. In the Chromeleon Server Configuration, add the driver to a timebase. For details, see Adding, Configuring or Deleting Devices. After you add the driver, the configuration dialog opens automatically.

  2. On each properties tab page, select the desired settings. For information about the settings on a page, click the Help button on a page or press F1.


Whenever cells or portentiostat modules have been added or removed from the detector, you must click Read Smart Cells on the Detector page to refresh the cell details .

Monitoring the Status of Input 3 (Cells Off Signal from Pump)

To monitor the emergency functionality for turning the cells off in case of a pump error or stopped pump flow:

  1. In the Chromeleon Server Configuration, on the Inputs tab page for the ECD-3000RS driver, enable monitoring of input 3 by selecting the Enabled check box for ECDRS_Input_3.

  2. Add a control to the control panel, for example, a lamp, to display the state of input 3. For details, refer to How to:  Linking a Control to a Device.

Further Information

For detailed installation instructions, refer to the Operating Instructions for the instrument.

For troubleshooting information, refer to Troubleshooting for USB and TCP/IP Connections.