Tab Dialog Box:
Agilent G1888 Headspace Sampler Configuration  

Specify the general device and hardware parameters:





Device Name

Indicates the name under which the instrument is identified in the installation environment (default: Sampler; also, refer to Naming Devices ...). To control the instrument via the existing Control Panels, accept the default name. If you do not accept the default name, you may have to edit the PGM Files and re-link the corresponding control of the control panel. (Also, refer to How to: Controlling Devices from the Control Panel   Linking a Control to a Device in the User Help section.)




Shows the available interfaces to which the sampler can be connected. Currently, the sampler can only be connected via LAN network ('Network'). Connection via a serial interface (COM port) is currently not supported.


This parameter is deactivated in Demo Mode.



Network Address

Enter the IP address configured for the sampler (only if the sampler is connected via LAN).



Network Port

(read-only) Reports a permanent  IP address for the sampler.



Demo Mode

Select the check box to activate Demo Mode.



GC Handshake

The following settings are available for the Handshake communication parameter:



Select None to disable communication ('handshake') between the headspace sampler and the GC. As a result, the sampler will not sense the state of the connected GC, and inject synchronization will be controlled by Chromeleon.



Enables handshake. The headspace sampler aborts the sequence if the GC is not ready when the injection is about to take place.
Select YES-H if the GC signal is sent with high signal intensity. Select YES-L if the signal intensity is low.



Enables handshake. The headspace sampler waits for the GC's Ready signal.

Select WAIT-H if the GC signal is sent with high signal intensity. Select WAIT-L if the signal intensity is low.



Pressure Unit

Select a unit for pressure (kPa, psi or bar).



GC Injector Side

Specify if the injector is connected at the front or at the back inlet of the GC.



Loop Volume

Specify the injection volume in [ml].



LAN Test

Use this button to check the device connection.




For installation details, refer to  Agilent G1888 Headspace Sampler: Installation.