Scientific Thermostatted Column Compartments
Vanquish Column Compartment
Chromeleon supports the following commands and properties for the Vanquish Column Compartment. (Please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed and that, depending on the column compartment type, some commands or properties may not be available.)
Command/Property |
Description |
AlarmOff |
Mutes the alarm signal. |
BuzzerVolume |
Use this property to adjust the volume of the alarm signal (Standard or Loud). |
Door |
Indicates whether the column chamber cover is closed or open. |
DriverID |
Indicates the identification number of the driver. |
DriverManufacturer |
Indicates the manufacturer of the driver. |
DriverVersion |
Indicates the driver version. |
ExceptionLogClear |
Use this command to clear the error log of the device.
An error log is created if the firmware has crashed during an operation. The firmware sends all error log entries to the driver at connect time to be reported in the daily audit trail. You get a warning message about the error and are asked to send the affected audit trail to hardware service for inspection if this happens more often, and to use this command to clear the internal logs. |
FastCoolActive |
Use this property to switch the Fast Cool mode on or off. |
FastCoolState |
Indicates the state of the Fast Cool mode. |
FastCoolTempLimit |
Use this property to specify the desired temperature limit for the fast cool mode. |
FirmwareVersion |
Indicates the firmware version of the connected device. |
GasLeak |
Indicates whether the gas sensor detected a leak. |
GasLeakSensor |
Use this property to switch on/off the gas leak sensor. |
GasLeakSensorSensitivity |
Use this property to specify the sensitivity of the gas leak sensor. |
GasLeakSensorState |
Indicates whether the leak sensor is ready for detection. |
HardwareVersion |
Indicates the hardware version of the instrument. |
Leak |
Indicates whether one of the leak sensors detected a leakage (see also HumidityLeak and GasLeak). |
LiquidLeak |
Displays whether the liquid leak sensor detected a leak. |
LiquidLeakSensor |
Use this command to switch on/off the liquid leak sensor. |
LiquidLeakSensorState |
Shows whether the leak sensor is ready for detection. |
ModelNo |
Indicates the model number. |
ModuleManufacturer |
Indicates the manufacturer of the hardware module. |
MuteAlarm |
Use this command to mute the alarm signal. |
NotReadyCauses |
Displays the causes for not being prepared for the next injection. |
OuterDoor |
Indicates whether the column compartment door is open or closed. |
Ready |
Indicates that the device is ready for the next injection. |
Reset |
Use this command to reset the device to its initial condition. |
SerialNo |
The serial number of the connected device. |
Column Chamber
Command/Property |
Description |
EquilibrationTime |
Use this property to switch to Ready if the Temperature.Value deviates from the Temperature.Nominal not more than the ReadyTempDelta for the time defined by the EquilibrationTime. Default: 1 min. |
FanSpeed |
Change the default fan speed value which regulates the air stream intensity in the column chamber in ForcedAir Mode. Increasing the value from 1 to 7 intensifies the fan speed. If the StillAir Mode is applied, the FanSpeed value is ignored. |
Mode |
Use this property to set the column chamber thermostatting mode (Still or ForcedAir) |
ReadyTempDelta |
Use this property to set the ReadyTempDelta. The device will switch to NotReady if the Temperature.Value exceeds the Temperature.Nominal by more than the ReadyTempDelta. If the ReadyTempDelta is set to None the system does not check whether the Temperature.Value deviates from Temperature.Nominal. |
TempCtrl |
Use this property to switch on/off the temperature control in the column compartment. |
Temperature |
Indicates the current temperature values and limits. |
*Value |
Indicates the current temperature of the column chamber. |
*Nominal |
Use this property to set the temperature of the column chamber. |
TempReady |
Indicates if the temperature of the column chamber is ready for the next injection. |
Post-column Cooler
Command/Property |
Description |
EquilibrationTime |
Use this property to set the EquilibrationTime. The module will switch to Ready if the Temperature.Value deviates from the Temperature.Nominal not more than the ReadyTempDelta for the time defined by EquilibrationTime. Default: 1 min |
ReadyTempDelta |
Use this property to set the ReadyTempDelta. The module will switch to NotReady if the Temperature.Value exceeds the Temperature.Nominal by more than the ReadyTempDelta. If the ReadyTempDelta is set to None the system does not check whether the Temperature.Value deviates from Temperature.Nominal. |
TempCtrl |
Use this property to switch on/off temperature control of the post column cooler. |
Temperature |
Temperature values and limits |
*Value |
Indicates the current temperature of the post-column cooler. |
*Nominal |
Use this property to set the temperature of the post-column cooler. |
TempReady |
Indicates that the temperature of the post-column cooler is ready for the next injection. |
Command/Property |
Description |
CapillaryLength |
Indicates the capillary length of the left / right preheater. |
CapillaryVolume |
Indicates the capillary volume of the left / right preheater. |
EquilibrationTime |
Use this property to set the EquilibrationTime. The device will switch to Ready if the Temperature.Value deviates from the Temperature.Nominal not more than the ReadyTempDelta for the time defined by EquilibrationTime. |
FormatMemory |
Use this command to (re)initialize a preheater memory that has invalid or corrupted data. |
MemoryState |
Indicates the state of the left / right preheater internal memory. |
ReadyTempDelta |
Use this property to set the ReadyTempDelta. The device will switch to NotReady if the Temperature.Value exceeds the Temperature.Nominal by more than the ReadyTempDelta. If the ReadyTempDelta is set to None the system does not check whether the Temperature.Value deviates from Temperature.Nominal. |
TempCtrl |
Use this property to switch on/off the temperature control of the preheater. |
Temperature |
Temperature values and limits |
*Value |
Indicates the current temperature of the preheater. |
*Nominal |
Use this property to set the temperature of the preheater. |
TempReady |
Indicates that the temperature of the preheater is ready for the next injection. |
Temperature Channel
Command/Property |
Description |
Use this command to start/terminate the data acquisition. |
ON: Average sampled values via the STEP interval (recommended). OFF: Record only the last sample of each step. |
Reports the signal slope, that is, the difference between the current value and the value one second ago. This is useful for triggers. |
Use this property to set the maximum step rate for Auto-Step-Mode. Default: 5.1 seconds. |
Indicates the recording time of the latest signal value since t = 0.000 min of a run. |
Indicates the signal value. |
Use this property to set the rate at which data points are recorded. Select Auto to select the best step rate dynamically (recommended). |
System Wellness and Predictive Performance
Note that the installed Chromeleon version and the device type determine which System Wellness and Predictive Performance commands and properties are available. In single (non-combined) mode there is only one wellness device. In combined mode there is one wellness device for each module. The name is generated <Name of main device>_Wellness<Module index>. The Module index starts with 1.
Command/Property |
Description |
OperatingHours |
Counts the operating hours since the module has been shipped. |
PowerOnTime |
Counts the operating hours since the module was powered up. |
Qualification |
Provides information about module qualification. |
*.LastDate |
Reports the date when qualification was performed last. |
*.LastOperator |
Reports the name of the person who performed the qualification. |
*.Interval |
Specifies the interval (in days) when the next system qualification is due. |
*.WarningPeriod |
Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due. |
*.GracePeriod |
Indicates the period during which the device may be operated after the due date for qualification. |
QualificationDone |
Perform this command after qualification to update the related system data. |
Service |
Provides service information. |
*.LastDate |
Reports the date of the last service. |
*.Interval |
Specifies the interval (in days) after which a service is due. |
*.WarningPeriod |
Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due. |
ServiceDone |
After the device has been serviced, select this command to update the related information. |
Workload_CC |
Displays the workload of the column chamber. |
Workload_PCC |
Displays the workload of the post-column cooler. |
Command/Property |
Description |
ChangeDate |
Displays the date of the last exchange of the referring component. (Year - Month - Day) |
CurrentPosition |
Specifies the current position of the valve. |
Switches |
Displays the number of valve switches since the valve has been installed. |
Command/Property |
Description |
ActiveColumn |
Use this property to specify the column which is used for the Application or that is selected by a related valve position. All column identification information set by the system will be continuously updated for each active column. |
Application |
Use this property to describe the application to be run on the column. |
BatchNumber |
Use this property to specify the batch / lot number of the column.
This is a write-once only property. |
CardState |
Indicates the state (present / not present) of the column ID tag. |
Comment |
Use this property to enter any comment. |
CustomId |
Use this property to set a user-defined identification information. Enter any desired number, for example, the inventory number of the column.
This is a write-once only property. |
DateOfExpiration |
Use this property to set a user-defined expiration date for the column. If entered and exceeded, a warning will be written to the audit trail during each injection. (Day Month Year, for example: 05 May 2012) |
DateOfFirstUse |
Indicates the date when the column was used for the first time. Set by the system upon the first injection. |
DateOfLastUse |
Indicates the date of the date of the most recent use of the column. Set by the system upon the most recent injection. |
DateOfManufacture |
Use this property to specify the manufacturing date of the column. (Day Month Year, for example: 05 May 2012)
This is a write-once only property. |
Description |
Use this property to specify the description of the column, for example Accucore Vanquish. |
Diameter |
Use this property to specify the inner diameter of the column. |
FormatTag |
Use this command to (re)initialize a column ID tag that has invalid or corrupted data. |
InjectionCounter |
Indicates the number of injections onto the column. Incremented by the system during the injection. |
Injections_Limit |
Use this property to specify the maximum number of injections for the column. If entered, a warning will be written to the audit trail when the total number of injections on the column exceeds this value. |
Length |
Use this property to specify the length of the column. |
Manufacturer |
Use this property to specify the manufacturer of the column. |
PackingMaterial |
Use this property to specify the packing material of the column, for example C18. |
ParticleSize |
Use this property to specify the particle size of the column. |
pH_LowerLimit |
Use this property to specify the minimum pH allowed. This value is used only for informative purposes, the driver will not monitor the pH. |
pH_UpperLimit |
Use this property to specify the maximum pH allowed. This value is used only for informative purposes, the driver will not monitor the pH. |
Pressure_Max |
Indicates the maximum system pressure which was measured during the use of the column. |
Pressure_UpperLimit |
Use this property to specify the maximum working pressure for the column. If the column pressure exceeds this value, a warning will be written to the audit trail. |
ProductId |
Use this property to specify the product number of the column.
This is a write-once only property. |
SerialNo |
Use this property to specify the serial number of the column.
This is a write-once only property. |
SystemPressure |
Use this property to specify the name of the module which will be used for monitoring the system pressure. |
Temp_LowerLimit |
Use this property to specify the minimum temperature allowed. If the column temperature falls below this value, a warning will be written to the audit trail. |
Temp_Max |
Indicates the maximum system temperature which was measured during the use of the column. |
Temp_Min |
Indicates the minimum system temperature which was measured during the use of the column. |
Temp_UpperLimit |
Use this property to specify the maximum temperature allowed. If the column temperature exceeds this value, a warning will be written to the audit trail. |
VoidVolume |
Use this property to specify the void volume of the column. |
Further Information
For an overview of the commands for all devices
supported by Thermo Fisher Scientific, refer to
Thermo Scientific: Commands and Tips.
For installation details, refer to Hardware Installation: Thermo Scientific Devices: