Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
Agilent 1100/1200 HPLC System: Column Compartment
In addition to the standard oven commands (see Commands for Controlling Dionex Devices Dionex Flow Manager and Thermostatted Column Compartments) and the general commands for the 1100/1200 HPLC systems (see
Agilent 1100/1200 HPLC System: General), the following commands are available (please note that the display Filter level determines which commands are displayed):
Command |
Range/Values |
Description |
AutoActivateSetpoint |
Off (0) On (1) |
If set to On, temperature control is automatically enabled right after power-up. |
LeftTemperature.Delta |
0°C - 100°C |
Temperature deviation permitted for the temperature set point in the left or right column compartment. |
LeftTemperature.LowerLimit |
-5°C - 80°C or -5°C - 100°C (Agilent 1200 TCC SL) |
The system stops the sample batch and starts emergency handling if the value is outside the set range. |
LeftTemperature.Nominal |
-5°C - 80°C |
Temperature set point for the left or right column compartment. |
LeftTemperature.UpperLimit |
-5°C - 80°C or -5°C - 100°C (Agilent 1200 TCC SL) |
The system stops the sample batch and starts emergency handling if the value is outside the set range. |
LeftTemperature.Value |
-5°C - 80°C |
Current temperature of the left column or right compartment. |
Mode |
Combined (0) Separate (1) |
Enables independent control of the right column compartment. If set to Combined, the settings for the left column compartment apply to both compartments. |
TempCtrl |
Off (0) On (1) |
Turns temperature control on or off. |
Valve |
RightColumn (0) LeftColumn (1) |
Switches the column selector valve (option). |
The Administrator Help section provides installation instructions for the 1100 and 1200 HPLC systems; refer to Hardware Installation:
Agilent 1100 HPLC System: Installation
Agilent 1200 HPLC System: Installation