Dionex Pumps
Dionex UltiMate 3000 Series Pumps
In addition to the standard pump commands (see Dionex Pumps), the UltiMate 3000 pumps support the following commands and properties (please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed):
For information about the commands and properties that are available for the BM, BX, RS and SD pumps in the UltiMate 3000 pump series, refer to UltiMate 3000 Series BM / BX / RS and SD Pumps.
Flow and Pressure commands and properties (no split flow)
If the pump flow is not split, Flow and Pressure refer directly to the pump outlet. In the standard configuration, this is the LoadingPump, which is the left pump. The available range depends on the pump type.
Command/Property |
Description |
%Compression |
Reports the current pump compression in [%] (read-only).
The compression should always be less than 100%. A compression of 100% has a negative effect on the pump pulsation. Also, a high pump compression indicates that the eluent is not properly degassed or that air bubbles have occurred in the pump heads, or that the pump's working cylinder leaks. |
Flow |
Sets the flow rate [µl/min]. This is the total flow through the pump. |
MaximumFlowRampDown |
Sets the upper limit for the flow rate deceleration. |
MaximumFlowRampUp |
Sets the upper limit for the flow rate acceleration. |
Pressure |
Reports the pressure. (This property is read-only. The channel is recorded as LoadingPump_Pressure.) |
*.LowerLimit |
Sets the lower and upper pressure limits at the loading pump. If the pressure exceeds the upper limit for 0.15 seconds or if it is below the lower limit for more than 60 seconds, the system aborts the running batch and starts error handling (see Pressure.Lower/UpperLimit). |
If you select the Pressure Signal(s) check box on the Devices page in the Server Configuration program, Chromeleon records the pump pressure as a separate channel (Pump_Pressure). The following commands and properties are available:
AcqOn starts data acquisition. AcqOff terminates data acquisition. |
Averages all measured values. |
Reports the signal's slope, i.e., the difference between the value and the value 1 second ago (read-only). This is useful for Triggers. |
Sets the maximum step rate for Step = Auto. |
Retention |
Indicates the retention time for the signal. |
Signal |
Reports the current pressure signal. |
Sets the step for data acquisition. |
Flow and Pressure commands and properties (micro pumps with split flow)
If the pump is connected to a flow splitter, Flow and Pressure refer to the column flow and column pressure. (In the standard configuration, Dionex recommends assigning the flow splitter to the right pump (MicroPump).) The values for the flow and pressure at the pump outlet are MasterFlow and MasterPressure. The available range of any properties depends on the pump type and the flow splitter's split ratio.
Command/Property |
Description |
Flow |
Sets the flow rate [µl/min]. This is the total flow through the column. (The valid range depends on the split ratio.) |
MasterFlow |
Reports the flow through the master pump, i.e., the flow before the flow splitter, in [µl/min]. |
MasterPressure |
Reports the pressure of the master pump, i.e., the pressure before the flow splitter. (This property is read-only. The channel is recorded as MicroPumpMasterPressure.) |
*.LowerLimit |
Sets the lower and upper pressure limits at the master pump. If the pressure exceeds the upper limit for 0.15 seconds or if it is below the lower limit for more than 60 seconds, the system aborts the running batch and starts error handling (see Pressure.Lower/UpperLimit). |
MaximumFlowRampDown |
Sets the upper limit for the flow rate deceleration (column flow). |
MaximumFlowRampUp |
Sets the upper limit for the flow rate acceleration (column flow). |
Pressure |
Reports the current column pressure. (This property is read-only. The channel is recorded as ColumnPressure.) |
*.LowerLimit |
Sets the lower and upper pressure limits at the column. If the pressure exceeds the upper limit or if it is below the lower limit for more than 5 minutes, the system aborts the running batch and starts error handling. |
Display commands and properties
Command/Property |
Range/Values |
Description |
Brightness |
0 - 100 % |
Adapts the brightness of the pump display to your requirements. |
Contrast |
0 - 100 % |
Adapts the screen contrast of the pump display to your requirements. |
DisplayMode (only for micro pumps with split flow) |
Master |
Specifies whether the pump display shows the flow and pressure values at the column (Column) or at the pump outlet (Master). |
Additional commands and properties
Command/Property |
Range/Value |
Description |
InstalledOn |
Indicates the timebase in which the pump is installed. |
MixingChamber |
Unknown |
Enter the mixing chamber volume. |
(only for micro pumps) |
0.00 - 100.00 % |
Enables peak parking. The flow is reduced to the specified percentage of the current flow. |
PeakParked (only for micro pumps)
No, |
Reports the status of peak parking (read-only). Reports Yes while the pump delivers the reduced flow set by ParkPercentage. |
Purge |
On, |
Set to On to enable purging of the pump. Also, see PurgeTime and PurgeFlow. |
PurgeFlow |
Enter the flow [in mL/min] to be delivered by the pump during purging. Also, see Purge and PurgeTime. |
PurgeTime |
Specify how long purging shall be performed [s]. Also, see Purge and PurgeFlow. |
PurgeViaSampler** |
Yes, |
Set to Yes to enable purging of the pump via the autosampler. See also Purge and SamplerDevice.
This function is available only if your UltiMate 3000 system includes a WPS-3000SL or WPS-3000RS autosampler. |
RearSealWashPump |
Idle, |
Indicates whether the peristaltic pump of the rear seal wash system is running or not (read-only). |
RearSealWashSystem |
Turns the rear seal washing on (Interval or Automatic) or off. |
RearSealWashInterval |
Specifies the time interval [min] when the next rear seal wash is performed. |
Relay2Enabled |
Yes (0), |
Determines whether relay 2 can be used in Chromeleon (Yes) or whether it is controlled by the pump for the Left Cam Sync Out signal (No). |
Relay3Enabled |
Yes (0), |
Determines whether relay 3 can be used in Chromeleon (Yes) or whether it is controlled by the pump for the Operable Out signal (No). |
Relay4Enabled |
Yes (0), |
Determines whether relay 4 can be used in Chromeleon (Yes) or whether it is controlled by the pump for the Right Cam Sync Out signal (No). |
SamplerDevice |
Indicates the name of the autosampler that is used to purge the pump. See also Purge, PurgeViaSampler**. |
SelfTest |
Passed or |
Performs a self-test.
You cannot start a batch when the pump failed the self-test. |
SelfTestPassed |
Yes, |
Reports whether the pump has passed the self-test (read-only). See also SelfTest. |
Standby |
NoStandby, |
Sets the pump into the Standby mode or cancels this mode (NoStandby). In standby mode, the pump remains connected to Chromeleon.
You cannot start a batch when the pump is in standby mode. |
** For patent reasons, this function must not be used in the following countries: China, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, and the USA.
Equilibration commands and properties
Use the equilibration commands and properties only for the SmartStartup feature.
Command/Property |
Description |
Equilibration |
Reports the equilibration status. |
Ripple |
Reports the ripple of the pump pressure. |
UpperLimit |
Determines the upper limit for the ripple of the pressure signal in [%]. The upper limit can be any value between 1.0% and 5.0%. The default setting is 3.0%. |
Value |
Reports the actual value. The value is calculated as soon as at least a one-minute segment was measured. It is updated with each new recorded segment and averaged over the last 5 minutes. If the average pressure is below 10 bar, the ripple measurement is started again. The value of the property does not change after the measurement and is displayed under Preconditions. |
RippleStatus |
Reports the ripple equilibration status of the pump pressure (read-only). |
N/A |
Equilibration has not started. |
Measuring |
Equilibration is running, but the amount of data is not yet sufficient to report a result. |
Good |
Equilibration is running or has finished. The values are within the specified limits. |
NotReady |
Equilibration is running. The current data is outside the specified limits. |
Failed |
Equilibration is completed. The result is outside the specified limits. |
NotTested |
The limit was set to 0, thus disabling ripple checking. |
StartEquilibration |
Starts equilibration (ripple measurement). For more information, refer to How to ...: |
System Wellness and Predictive Performance commands and properties
The Chromeleon version and pump type determine which commands and properties are available for checking the system wellness and performance of the pump.
Command/Property |
Description |
When enabled, a beep alerts you when the pressure is below the lower limit or exceeds the upper limit. |
AnalogOut |
Determines whether the pressure of the left or right pump is monitored via the Analog Out port on the pump. |
ChangePistonsLeft |
Select this command when the pistons of the related pump block needs to be changed. The pistons of the related pump block are moved into the appropriate position for the replacement and the pump stops. After the piston was changed, use the Flow command to re-start the pump. |
CheckValveServiceLeft/ |
Reports service information about the related check valve. |
*.LastDate |
Reports the date when the check valve was serviced last (read-only). |
*.Interval |
Specifies the interval (in days) when the next service for the check valve is due. |
*.WarningPeriod |
Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due. |
CheckValveServiceDone |
After you have replaced the related check valve, perform this command to update the related service information. |
ClearDisplayError |
Clears any error messages on the pumps display. |
Curve |
Determines the curvature for flow gradients (see Gradient Curves). |
Degasser |
Turns the degasser On or Off (LPG pump or SRD-3x00 only). The integrated degasser should always be on. |
DegasserVacuum |
Reports the status of the degasser vacuum (SRD-3x00 only): OK or NotOK (read-only). |
HeadType |
Indicates the head type of the pump: Analytical or Semi-Prep (read-only). |
Leak |
Indicates the status of the leak sensor: OK or Leak (read-only). |
LeakAlarm |
On indicates that there is a leak alarm (read-only). |
LeakAlarmOff |
Turns off the acoustic beep for the current alarm. |
LeakDelay |
Specifies how much time elapses between the detection of a leak and the pump shutdown. |
LeakSensorMode |
Specifies how leak detection is performed: |
ModelVariant |
Indicates the variant: Isocratic, LPG, or HPG (read-only). |
Motor |
Indicates whether the pump is delivering: On or Off (read-only). |
OperatingHours |
Counts the operating hours since initial operation (excluding the operating hours in standby mode; read-only). |
OutletFritChangeLeft/ |
Provides service information about the filter frits in the related outlet unit. |
*.LastDate |
Reports the date when the frit was replaced last (read-only). |
*.Interval |
Specifies the interval (in days) after which a service of the outlet frit is due. |
*.WarningPeriod |
Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due. |
OutletFritChangedLeft/ |
After you have replaced the outlet frit, perform this command to update the related service information. |
PistonsChangedLeft/Right |
After you have replaced a piston, perform this command to update the related service information. |
PistonChangeDateLeft/ |
Reports the date when the piston was changed last (read-only). |
PistonWorkLoadLeft/Right |
Provides information about the piston work load. |
*.Value |
Indicates the current work load [MJ] of the related piston (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the next service is due within the specified period. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the limit is reached. |
PowerOnTime |
Counts the time since last power-up (or last wake-up from standby) (read-only). |
ProportioningValve_A/B/ |
Counts how many times the related valve was switched (read-only). |
PumpStrokesLeft/Right |
Counts the number of piston strokes in the related pump block (read-only). |
Qualification |
Provides information about system qualification. |
*.LastDate |
Reports the date when system qualification was performed (read-only). |
*.LastOperator |
Reports the name of the person who performed the system qualification (read-only). |
*.Interval |
Reports the interval (in days) when the next system qualification is due. |
*.WarningPeriod |
Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due. |
*.GracePeriod |
Indicates the period during which the device may be operated after the due date for re-qualification. |
QualificationDone |
Perform this command after qualification to update the related system data. |
RearSealLeakage |
Provides information about pump leakage. |
*.Value |
Reports how many drops passed the main piston seal in the past hour (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message when the specified value is reached. |
RearSealWashPump |
Counts the operating hours of the peristaltic pump (read-only). |
RearSealWashTube |
Perform this command to update the related service data after you have replaced the wash tubing. |
RearSealWashTube |
Reports when the wash tubing was replaced last (read-only). |
RearSealWashTubeHours |
Provides information about the operating time [h] of the peristaltic pump with the currently installed wash tube. |
*.Value |
Reports the current operating time [h]of the peristaltic pump with the currently installed wash tube (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
SealChangeDate |
Reports when the related seal was replaced last (read-only). |
SealWorkLoad |
Counts the work load of the related rear seal since the seal was replaced last. |
*.Value |
Reports the current work load of the rear seal since the seal was replaced last (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
SealsChangedLeft/Right |
After you have replaced the seals of the related pump block, perform this command to update the related service information. |
Service |
Provides service information. |
*.LastDate |
Reports the date of the last service (read-only). |
*.Interval |
Specify the interval (in days) after which a service is due. |
*.WarningPeriod |
Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due. |
ServiceDone |
After the device has been serviced, perform this command to update the related information. |
SetFactoryDefaults |
Resets the pump settings to the Dionex factory default settings. |
SolventRackLeak |
Reports whether the leak sensor in the solvent rack detected a leak: Leak or NoLeak (read-only). |
StandbyHours |
Counts the total operating hours in standby mode since the module was operated for the first time (read-only). |
WorkLoadSinceLast |
Counts the work load [MJ] of the related pump block since the last service (read-only). |
WorkLoadLeft/Right |
Reports the total work load [MJ] of the related pump block since initial operation of the module (read-only). |