Dionex Flow Manager and Column Compartments
Dionex UltiMate 3000 Series Flow Manager

For the flow manager, several subentries (channels) appear in the Commands dialog box.

Signal channels




(possibly Column_3)

The column names correspond to the names entered on the Components tab page in the Server Configuration program. The various commands and properties allow you to enter and check information about the column. For more information, refer to  Dionex UltiMate 3000 Flow Manager: Column ID Properties.

ColumnOven_FC_BridgeFlow ColumnOven_FC_Stepper

These additional channels are required when performing  Operational Qualification or running a Flow Control Test. In addition, some of the recorded values provide valuable information to Dionex Service for troubleshooting in case the flow manager does not pass Operational Qualification successfully.


This channel is available only if the Temperature Signal check box in the FLM's properties (on the Configuration tab page in the Server Configuration program.) is selected. Chromeleon records the temperature as a separate channel. The channel name is the name entered on the Configuration tab page in the Server Configuration program.

Click the "+ "character beside the name to display the items underneath:

Delta-reports the signal's slope, i.e., the difference between the current value and the value one second ago. This is useful for triggers.
-has the following commands: Value (current signal value, read-only), UpperLimit and LowerLimit. If the current signal value is outside these limits, a warning appears in the Audit Trail.

AcqOff-terminates data acquisition.

AcqOn-starts data acquisition.

Retention-reports the retention time of the signal (read-only).

MaxAutoStep = Maximum step rate for Auto Step Mode;
range: 0.1...5.1 s; default: 5.1 s

Step-sets the step for data acquisition; range: 0.01...4.80 s; Auto selects the best step dynamically

Average-averages all measured values over the step interval. Default: On. Off records only the last point of each interval.


This channel is available only if the Pressure Signal check box is selected in the FLM's properties (on the Configuration tab page in the Server Configuration program).Chromeleon records  the pressure at the splitter outlet as a separate channel. The channel name is the name entered on the Configuration tab page in the Server Configuration program.

For a description of the channel parameters, refer to ColumnOven_Temp.

FLM-3x00_INPUT_1 and/or

Reports the state of the related digital input (On or Off). The property is read-only.

FLM-3x00_RELAY_1 and/or

Relay 1 and/or relay 2. Click the "+"character beside the relay name to display the items underneath:

State-reports the state of the relay.

Duration-when set, the relay toggles after the specified time.

On-turns the relay on.

Off-turns the relay off


The splitter name corresponds to the name entered on the Configuration tab page in the Server Configuration program. For information about the commands and properties that are available, refer to  Dionex FLM-3x00 Flow Manager and Thermostatted Column Compartment: Flow Splitter Properties.


General Flow Manager commands and properties

In addition to the standard column compartment commands, such as Connect, Disconnect, and Temperature, (see  Dionex Flow Manager and Thermostatted Column Compartments), the FLM-3x00 supports the following commands and properties (please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed):





Adapts the brightness of the pump's front panel display to your requirements (0 - 100 %).


Adapts the contrast of the pump's front panel display to your requirements (0 - 100 %).


Reports whether the front panel door is open or closed (Open or Closed; read-only).


You cannot start a batch when the front panel door is open.


Reports whether the flow splitter 1 is working properly (OK or Error) (read-only).


Reports whether the fluid leak sensor has detected a leak (Ok or Leak; read-only).


Settings of the fluid leak sensor:


Enables leak detection via the fluid leak sensor. If a leak is detected, a message appears in the Chromeleon Audit Trail and an acoustic beep sounds.


Enables leak detection. If a leak is detected, a message appears but no beep sounds.


Disables the leak detection.


Reports whether the gas sensor has detected a leak
(Ok or Leak; read-only).


Sets the sensitivity with which the sensor responds to gas in the column chamber. Click the arrow in the GasLeakSensor combo box and select an option from the list: Low, Standard, or High (if the sensor is activated, a message appears in the Chromeleon Audit Trail and an acoustic beep sounds) or Low_Silent, Standard_Silent, or High_Silent, respectively (a message appears but no beep sounds). To turn the sensor off, select Off.


Indicates the flow manager's hardware version.


Indicates whether the humidity sensor has detected a leak
(Ok or Leak; read-only).


Sets the sensitivity with which the sensor responds to humidity. Click the arrow in the HumidityLeakSensor combo box and select an option from the list: Low, Standard, or High (if the sensor is activated, a message appears in the Chromeleon Audit Trail and an acoustic beep sounds) or Low_Silent, Standard_Silent, or High_Silent, respectively (a message appears but no beep sounds). To turn the sensor off, select Off.


Indicates the timebase in which the autosampler is installed.


Indicates whether at least one leak sensor has detected a leakage (Ok or Leak; read-only; also see FluidLeak, GasLeak, and HumidityLeak).


Turns off the beep for the current alarm. A new beep sounds when one of the leak sensors detects another leak.


Reports whether the sensors are ready for leak detection (Ready, NotReady, or Error; read-only).


Reports whether the instrument is ready to operate (Ready or NotReady; read-only; also see ReadyTempDelta and EquilibrationTime).


You cannot start a batch when the flow manager is not ready.


Range: 0.0 - 5.0°C. If the current temperature deviates from the temperature set point by more than the ReadyTempDelta, the flow manager enters the NotReady state. If the ReadyTempDelta is set to 0, Chromeleon does not check whether the temperature set point deviates from the actual temperature (also see Ready and EquilibrationTime).


Serial number of the manager (read-only).


Resets the flow manager settings to the Dionex factory default settings.


Sets the flow manager to Standby mode or cancels this mode (NoStandby) to resume operation. Available values: Standby, NoStandby, WakingUp, EnteringStandby. (WakingUp and EnteringStandby are temporary states that the device assumes automatically; it is therefore neither required nor reasonable to select these values from the commands list.)


You cannot start a batch when the flow manager is in standby mode.


Turns temperature control on or off.


Reports whether the temperature is within the defined limits (Ready or NotReady). (Read-only, also see Temperature.)


You cannot start a batch when the temperature is not within the defined limits.


Indicates and sets the current position of the left or right valve, if installed:


The valve is switching.

10_1/ 6-1

Indicates the fluid connections in the valve: ports 10 (6) and 1 are connected.


Indicates the fluid connections in the valve: ports 1 and 2 are connected.


The control electronics is not connected; contact Dionex Service.


An error occurred. Contact Dionex Service.


Counts how often the left and/or right valve was switched since being installed (read-only).


Indicates the device manufacturer (read-only).


Counts the operating hours of the column thermostat.


For information about column identification, refer to  Dionex FLM-3x00: Column ID Properties.

For information about the flow splitter commands and properties, refer to  Dionex FLM-3x00: Flow Splitter Commands.

For information about how to install the flow manager, refer to Hardware Installation  UltiMate 3000 Series Flow Manager and Thermostatted Column Compartment: Installation in the Administrator Help section.