Dionex Detectors
Dionex UltiMate 3000 Series (RS)/ICS-Series Variable Wavelength Detectors
In addition to the standard commands available
for all detectors (see Dionex Detectors), the VWD-3x00
and ICS-Series VWD detectors provide the control commands listed below.
Please note that the display Filter
level determines which commands and properties are displayed. Also note
that some commands or properties may not be available, depending on the
detector type.
Command/Property |
Description |
AmbientTemp |
Reports the temperature [°C] outside the optical system (read-only). |
AutoactivateUV_Lamp |
On: The UV lamp is turned on automatically whenever the detector is powered up. |
AutoactivateVisible_Lamp |
On: The visible lamp is turned on automatically whenever the detector is powered up. |
Performs automatic null balancing (= the current detector signal is interpreted as 0). |
BaselineBehavior |
Determines how the baseline behaves if wavelengths are switched or the sensitivity or filter wheel setting are changed during a program: Append: Resets the baseline to the previous signal. Free: No adjustment, shifts may occur in the baseline position. Zero: Sets the baseline to zero. |
BootLoaderVersion |
Reports the bootloader version (read-only). |
Brightness |
Adapts the brightness of the detector's front panel display to your requirements. |
ClearAlarmLED |
Resets the Status LED on the detector's front panel when it indicates an alarm. |
ClearBaseline |
Deletes the most recent baseline scan from the memory. (Also, see Scan and ScanBaseline). |
ClearDisplayError |
Deletes the error messages on the detector's display. |
Contrast |
Adapts the screen contrast of the detector's front panel display to your requirements. |
Data_Collection_Rate |
Enter the rate [Hz] at which Chromeleon collects digital data from the detector |
DeviceType |
Indicates the detectors device type (read-only). |
DisplayMode |
Specifies which type of data appears on the detector's front panel display (Raw, Transmittance, or Absorbance). |
Door |
Reports whether the compartment door is Open or Closed (read-only). |
DriverID |
Indicates the driver's unique name (read-only). |
DriverVersion |
Indicates the driver version (read-only). |
ElectronicsTemp |
Indicates the temperature [°C] of the electronics unit (read-only). |
FlowcellType |
Indicates the flow cell type (read-only). |
FPGAVersion |
Indicates the detector's FPGA version (read-only). |
HardwareRevision |
Indicates the detector's hardware revision (read-only). |
HardwareRevision_ |
Indicates the optics' hardware revision (read-only). |
LamphouseTemp |
Indicates the lamp house temperature [°C] (read-only). |
Leak |
Indicates whether the leak sensor has detected a leak: NoLeak or Leak (read-only). |
LeakDelay |
Reports the delay time [s] after a leak was detected |
LeakSensorMode |
Specifies how leak detection is performed: |
Manufacturer |
Indicates the manufacturer of the driver (read-only). |
NotReadyCauses |
Reports why the module is not yet ready for the next analysis (read-only). |
OpticsTemp |
Reports the temperature [°C] of the optics (read-only). |
Ready |
Indicates whether the detector is ready for injection (read-only). |
Reset |
Resets the device to its initial conditions, as attained after power-up. |
Scan |
an absorbance spectrum based on the current settings to a spectra
library. This requires that a baseline spectrum was recorded with
exactly identical parameters (see ScanBaseline).
For information about how to perform a wavelength scan, refer
to Detector Control |
ScanBaseline |
Saves a baseline scan based on the current settings to a spectra library. (Also, see ClearBaseline and Scan.) |
ScanEndWavelength |
Sets the end wavelength [nm] of the wavelength range for spectra scan. The allowed range is 190 to 900 nm. (Also, see ScanBaseline and Scan.) |
ScanSpeed |
Defines the speed with which a wavelength range (defined by start and end wavlength) is scanned. (Also, see ScanBaseline and Scan.) |
ScanStartWavelength |
Sets the start wavelength [nm] of the wavelength range for spectra scan. The allowed range is 190 to 900 nm. (Also, see ScanBaseline and Scan.) |
SerialNo_Flowcell |
Reports the serial number of flow cell (read-only). |
SerialNo_Mainboard |
Reports the serial number of the main board (read-only). |
SerialNo_Optics |
Reports the serial number of the optics (read-only). |
SetFactoryDefaults |
Restores the Dionex standard settings. |
Standby |
Switches the detector to standby mode (Standby) or cancels standby mode (NoStandby). During standby mode, the detector remains connected in Chromeleon. Available values: Standby, NoStandby, WakingUp, EnteringStandby. (WakingUp and EnteringStandby are temporary states that the device assumes automatically; it is therefore neither required nor reasonable to select these values from the commands list.) |
StopScan |
Stops a running scan of a baseline or absorbance spectrum. (Also, see ScanBaseline and Scan.) |
TimeConstant |
Specify the time constant for the signal. The time constant is the time required for the detector signal to rise from 0% to 63% in response to a signal increase. The constant is used for noise suppression (values: 0.00 to 4.55 s; depending on the detector type only a predefined scale of values may be available). The time constant is directly associated with the Rise_Time. The following formula applies: 2.2 x TimeConstant = Rise Time. The value calculated by Chromeleon is a recommendation only. A different value can be selected, if appropriate for your application.
Most noise is suppressed if the time constant is 4.55 s. However, for the acquisition of narrow peaks, a lower time constant is more appropriate. |
UV_Lamp |
Reports the state of the UV lamp: Error, Ignition, Off, On. |
UvLamp_ProductNumber |
Indicates the product number of the UV lamp (read-only). |
UvLamp_SerialNo |
Indicates the serial number of the UV lamp (read-only). |
UvTransmission_Flowcell |
Indicates the factor for calculation of absorption to take the typical transmission for the flow cell into account (read-only). If the flow cell has a chip, the values are read from the chip. Otherwise, the value 100 is used. |
Visible_Lamp |
Reports the visible lamp's state: Error, Ignition, Off, On. |
VisLamp_ProductNumber |
Indicates the product number of the visible lamp (read-only). |
VisLamp_SerialNo |
Indicates the serial number of the visible lamp (read-only). |
VisTransmission_Flowcell |
Indicates the factor for calculation of absorption to take the typical transmission for the flow cell into account (read-only). If the flow cell has a chip, the values are read from the chip. Otherwise, the value 100 is used. |
WavelengthCalibration |
Performs wavelength calibration. In addition, wavelength calibration is performed automatically whenever the detector is powered up. (Also, see WvlCalibStatus) |
WavelengthPeak1/2/3 |
Reports the measured wavelength for peaks 1, 2, or 3. |
WavelengthPeak1/2/3 |
Reports the result (pass or fail) of the wavelength measurement for peaks 1, 2, or 3. |
WavelengthPeak1/2/3 |
Reports the wavelengths expected for peaks 1, 2, or 3 when the wavelength verification test is performed via the Holmium Oxide Filter. |
WavelengthVerTest |
Performs wavelength verification via the holmium oxide filter. For detailed information also refer to the operating instructions of the detector. |
WavelengthVerTest |
Reports the result (pass or fail) of the wavelength verification. (Also, see WavelengthVerTest.) The test results are also recorded in the Audit Trail. |
WvlCalibStatus |
Indicates the status of the wavelength calibration (read-only): Initialized, Running, Calibrated, Error (Also, see WavelengthCalibration) |
Analog Output commands
The commands for configuring the analog outputs are available only if the detector is fitted with a DAC plug-in module and if the DAC Board check box is selected on the Detector page in the Properties dialog for the detector.
Command/Property |
Description |
Analog1_Mode |
the signal that is available at analog output. Depending on the
channel of interest, select |
Analog1_Offset |
Adjusts the zero position of the analog output when it is plotted. The value entered is a percentage of the full-scale analog output. The offset allows the evaluation device to plot the signal if it becomes negative.
The output voltage of the analog outputs cannot reach a minimum of exactly 0 V. Therefore, we recommend to set an offset of at least 5 %, even if only positive analog output signals are expected. This will enable you to also measure very small output signals down to 0 precisely. |
Analog1_Range |
Sets the voltage range, and thus the resolution of the analog output signal. The range to use depends on the values expected for the application and the evaluation devices to which the output is connected. Available values are: 1AU_per_1V=0, 01AU_per_1V=1, 5AU_per_1V=2, 1AU_per_10V=3, 01AU_per_10V=4, 5AU_per_10V=5 |
UV_VIS channel commands
Command/Property |
Description |
MaxAutoStep |
Sets the maximum step for the Auto-Step mode. (The available range is from 0.1 to 5.1 s, the default is 5.1 s.) |
Retention |
Reports the signal's retention time (read-only). |
Signal |
Reports the current signal value [mAU] (read-only). |
Sets the step. |
Wavelength |
Sets the wavelength. (The available range is from 190 to 900 nm.) |
Equilibration commands and properties
Use the equilibration commands and properties only for the SmartStartup feature.
Command/Property |
Description |
Drift |
Provides information about the detector Drift, determined by equilibration. |
*.UpperLimit |
Sets the upper drift limit [mAU/h]. Available values are: 0.8 and 20.0 mAU/h. |
*.Value |
Reports the current drift value in mAU/h. The value is calculated as soon as at least a one-minute segment was measured. It is updated with each new recorded segment and averaged over the last 5 minutes. The property value does not change after measurement and can be viewed in the Precondition Log (Preconditions) of the subsequent samples. |
DriftEquilibration |
Reports the status/result of the drift measurement: OK or NotOK (read-only). |
DriftStatus |
Reports the status/result of the drift measurement (read-only). |
N/A |
Equilibration has not started. |
Measuring |
Equilibration is running, but the amount of data is not yet sufficient to report a result. |
NotReady |
Equilibration is running or has finished. The values are within the specified limits. |
Good |
Equilibration is running. The current data is outside the specified limits. |
Failed |
Equilibration is completed. The result is outside the specified limits. |
NotTested |
The limit was set to 0, drift measurement is disabled. |
Equilibration |
Provides information about the total status of the equilibration: OK or NotOK (read-only). |
Noise |
Provides information on the detector Noise. |
*.UpperLimit |
Sets the upper noise limit in [mAU]. The allowed range is: 0.03 to 0.50 mAU. |
*.Value |
Indicates the current detector noise. Usually, this is the value averaged over 5 minutes (read-only). Also, see Drift.Value. |
NoiseEquilibration |
Reports the status/result of the noise measurement: OK or NotOK (read-only). |
NoiseStatus |
Reports the status/result of the noise measurement (read-only). For the available values, see DriftStatus. |
StartEquilibration |
Starts equilibration (noise/drift measurement). |
System Wellness and Predictive Performance commands and properties
The Chromeleon version and detector type determine which commands and properties are available for checking the detector's system wellness and performance.
Command/Property |
Description |
FilterMovements |
Counts the movements of the holmium oxide filter (read-only). |
GratingMovements |
Counts the movements of the grating (read-only). |
LastUVLampChangeDate |
Reports when the UV lamp was replaced last (read-only). |
LastVISLampChangeDate |
Reports when the visible lamp was replaced last (read-only). |
OperatingHours |
Counts the operating hours since initial operation (excluding the operating hours in standby mode (read-only). |
PowerOnTime |
Counts the time since last power-up (or last wake-up from standby) (read-only). |
PreviousUVLampOperation |
Reports the operating hours of the previously installed UV lamp (read-only). |
PreviousVISLampOperation |
Reports the operating hours of the previously installed visible lamp (read-only). |
Qualification |
Provides information about system qualification. |
*.LastDate |
Reports the date when detector qualification was performed last (read-only). |
*.LastOperator |
Reports the name of the person who performed the detector qualification (read-only). |
Reports the interval (in days) when the next system qualification is due. |
*.WarningPeriod |
Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next qualification is due. |
*.GracePeriod |
Indicates the period during which the device may be operated after the due date for re-qualification. |
QualificationDone |
Perform this command after qualification to update the related system data. |
Service |
Provides detector service information. |
*.LastDate |
Reports the date of the last service (read-only). |
*.Interval |
Specify the interval (in days) after which a service is due. |
*.WarningPeriod |
Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due. |
ServiceDone |
After the device has been serviced, perform this command to update the related information. |
StandbyHours |
Counts the total operating hours in standby mode since the module was operated for the first time (read-only). |
UpdateLampIntensity |
Updates the lamp intensity values. |
UVLampIgnitions |
Counts the total number of successful UV lamp ignitions (read-only). |
UVLampIgnitionCurrent |
Reports the number of ignition trials when the UV lamp was started last (read-only). |
UVLampIgnitionFailures |
Counts how many times the UV lamp ignition fails (read-only). After a maximum of 10 retries, the counter is incremented by one. |
UVLampOnTime |
Counts the operating hours of the UV lamp since the lamp was ignited last (read-only). |
UVLampOperationTime |
Provides information on the UV lamp's operating time. |
*.Value |
Reports the total operating hours of the UV lamp (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
UVRelIntensity |
Provides information regarding the relative intensity of the UV lamp. |
*.Value |
Reports the current relative intensity of the UV lamp (read-only). The intensity of the UV lamp is measured at 230 nm, independent of the measuring wavelength set with the Wavelength command. 100% corresponds to the value that was measured and stored on the reference channel after 100 lamp operating hours. |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
VISLampIgnitionFailures |
Counts how many times the visible lamp ignition fails (read-only). After a maximum of 10 retries, the counter is incremented by one. |
VISLampIgnitions |
Counts the total number of successful visible lamp ignitions (read-only). |
VISLampOnTime |
Counts the operating hours of the visible lamp since the lamp was ignited last (read-only). |
VISLampOperationTime |
Provides information on the visible lamp's operating time. |
*.Value |
Reports the total operating hours of the visible lamp (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
VISRelIntensity |
Provides information regarding the relative intensity of the visible lamp. |
*.Value |
Reports the current relative intensity of the visible lamp (read-only). The intensity of the Vis lamp is measured at 700 nm, independent of the measuring wavelength set with the Wavelength command. 100% corresponds to the value that was measured and stored on the reference channel after 100 lamp operating hours. |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
For practical tips for control commands in
programs, refer to Tips for Creating Programs (VWD-3x00).
For PCM-3000 pH and conductivity monitor commands
and properties, refer to
UltiMate 3000 Series VWD, DAD and MWD
Detectors: pH and Conductivity Monitor Commands.
For information about how to install the detector, refer to:
Hardware Installation
UltiMate 3000 Series - Variable Wavelength
Detector: Overview