Program Wizard/PGM Editor:
Collector - General Options

In this step of the Program Wizard, define further options for fraction collection with a WPS-3000FC autosampler and WPS-3000PL autosampler with Micro Fraction Collection Option:



Select if you want the fraction tube positions to be defined by the first fraction tube position selected in the First fractionation tube box plus the current tube position (FractionCollection.TubePosition property). Tube positions will be incremented automatically. For details, see Commands and Tips for Fraction Collection.



By user-defined column

Select if you want to define the tube positions in a  User-defined Column (UDC) that is defined for the Standard Datasource of the Chromeleon server (not the current client datasource). In this way, you can determine the start position for fraction collection for each sample separately in the sample list. Click the arrow in the box to select a user-defined column.


This option requires that a user-defined column for which a start position can be entered has been created in the datasource before. Follow the description in Creating and Managing Files and Data  Creating User-Defined Columns to create a user-defined column. Select the string value type if you want to type the positions as "RA1" etc. For example, name the column FractionStartPosition.



First fractionation tube

Select the position of the first tube for fraction collection in the First fractionation tube box. This is the position where fractionation starts for the entire batch, if the Automatic option is selected (and the FractionCollection.TubePosition property is set to 1).


The first fractionation tube must not be changed during a batch. Ensure that all programs within a batch define the same first fractionation tube.



Tray type

Select the tray type for which the program is created (fraction programs are tray-specific). The value in the box indicates the currently installed tray type for the segment of the first fraction position selected above.  If you change the sampler tray configuration, also change the tray type in this box of the PGM Editor.



Meandering scheme

Defines how the needle moves across the racks.

RowByRowMeandering (default): The needle moves row by row, following a meander-shaped path.

RowByRow: The needle moves row by row, following a saw-shaped path. The movement matches the imprinted numbering on rack types available from Dionex.

ColumnByColumnMeandering: The needle moves column by column, following a meander-shaped path.

ColumnByColumn: The needle moves column by column, following a saw-shaped path.


Column-wise movement (meandering or not) is not supported for 10 and 22 Prep Vial racks. If a column-wise movement is set in the program, the related row-wise movement scheme will be used.


The meandering schema must not be changed during a batch. Ensure that all programs within a batch define the same meandering schema.



Disable airdry of the needle during fractionation

If selected, the outside air stream that dries the needle is deactivated between each fraction to avoid that fraction is spilled over the wells.



This page is provided in the Program Wizard (see Control  The Program Wizard) only if the Fraction Collection driver has been installed in the Server Configuration Program and if Fraction Collection Mode is not set to Off on the Fraction Collection - General Options page of the PGM wizard.