Program Wizard/PGM Editor:
Fraction Collection - General Options

In this step of the Program Wizard, determine the basic conditions for fraction collection, such as the collection period:


Fraction Collection Mode



Off (do not collect at all)

Disables fraction collection.


If this option is selected, all other Fraction Collection pages of the wizard are skipped.



Collect by peak (using channel)

Collects fractions if a peak is detected. If you have limited the number of detection channels to 1 on the General page for the Fraction Collection driver in the Server Configuration program, you can select the detection channel that is used for fraction detection from the using channel list. If you have more than 1 detection channel allowed, you will be able to select the channels for fraction collection on a later wizard page.

Select the Collect outside peaks, too check box to collect fractions between peaks, too.



Collect by time

Collects fractions independent of peak detection.

When this option is selected, use the Collection period input field to specify the time (in [s]) after which a new tube will be used.


This option is automatically activated if a WPS-3000FC,
WPS-3000PL with Micro Fraction Collection Option or Probot is installed in the Chromeleon Server Configuration.



Collection Time Frame



Collect all the time during data acquisition

Collects fractions during the entire chromatogram.



Collect only for restricted time range(s)

Allows you to restrict fraction collection to one or more specified time ranges within the run time of the program.

  • To define only one time range for collecting fractions, change the start and end times in the table.

  • To define more than one time range, click Append Line. Create your own timetable for fractionation by appending, inserting or deleting lines and entering the start and end times of each time range.

Specify the time range in the sample list

It is also possible to select (numerical) User-defined Columns (UDCs) that are defined for the Standard Datasource of the Chromeleon server (not the current client datasource). In this way, you can determine the period or periods for fraction collection in the sample list. Note that this requires that user-defined columns for which a retention time can be entered have been created in the datasource before. Follow the description in Creating and Managing Files and Data  Creating User-Defined Columns to create several user-defined columns. Specify Floating point as Value type and type 3 in the Precision box. For example, name the columns FractionStart and FractionEnd.

To select a user-defined column, click the arrow that appears in the start and end time boxes.



This page is provided in the Program Wizard (see Control  The Program Wizard) only if the Fraction Collection driver has been installed in the Server Configuration Program.