Calibration Functions, Calibration Coefficients
In each calibration, a mathematical relationship is established between the Amount of a standard sample f(A) and the corresponding area value (A). Depending on the location of the Calibration Points, the relationship can be linear or non-linear (for example, a parabola). Select the Calibration Type and by that determine the shape of the calibration points. The corresponding mathematical functions are called calibration functions.
The value of the corresponding calibration coefficient (c0, c1, c2, or c3) describes the slope of the straight line (linear course) or the shape of the curve (non-linear course). The coefficients are calculated by simply replacing known amount and area values in the corresponding calibration function (standard sample). If c0, c1, c2, and c3 are known, it is also possible to calculate the amounts for an unknown sample.
For more information about the mathematical functions etc., refer to
Calibration Types (Non-linear)
Evaluation with Various Standard Methods.
Select the calibration mode in the Peak Table of the QNT Editor. For more information, refer to