Creating a Peak Table
Defining the QNT Method for Several Detectors

To define the delay time between detectors with constant flow

If two detectors are connected in series, the retention times are delayed against each other. If the flow remains unchanged, the shift of the retention times is constant. The Delay Time parameter is used to compensate for this shift.

  1. Under Dead/Delay time(s) on the General tab page of the QNT Editor, select the name of the 2nd (and 3rd) detector from the 2nd Detector and/or 3rd Detector list.

  2. Enter the measured delay time in the field behind the list.

To define the QNT method for several detectors with flow gradients

You cannot use the Delay Time parameter when you are working with Flow Gradients. Therefore, it is necessary for some applications to modify the QNT Method for a second detector or another channel.

Instead of defining another QNT method, follow the steps below to duplicate the following columns and assign the duplicate to one or several channels:

Calibration Type

Integration Type

Kovats Index

Left/Right Limit

Peak Type

Response Factor

Retention Index

Retention Time


  1. Select the column to duplicate in the Peak Table (or Amount Table, Peak Tracking table).

  2. On the Edit or context menu, select Columns... and then Duplicate Column.

  3. In the Duplicate Column dialog box, click Add Channel to define the channel(s) for the new column.

If one of the peaks is not detected in a channel, leave the corresponding cell in the Retention Time column empty. This channel will not identify this peak. Similarily, if you do not wish to include a detected peak into the report, just leave the corresponding cell in the Retention Time column empty.


You can define more detection parameters for each channel in the Channel column on the Detection tab page. For details, refer to Integrating Chromatograms and Identifying Peaks  Defining Detection Parameters.