Type (Peak Type)


Peak Table tab page
Peak Table
Report Variable

Peak Results Report Variable

Value Range:

Auto/Rider (R)/Main (M)/Baseline-Main (B-M)/Main-Baseline (M-B)/Baseline-Main-Baseline (B-M-B)

Related Parameters:

Rider Threshold

Maximum Rider Ratio

Valley to Valley

Lock Baseline


The Type parameter determines the type of baseline contact and the separation of a peak from other, unresolved peaks.

The peak types in an unresolved peak group are usually automatically determined by the Chromeleon integration algorithm (Auto). You can influence the peak type by using the detection parameters  (see  Modifying Detection Parameters). The Peak Type column in the peak table can be used to define a specific peak type for one or more peaks. This setting overrides the detection parameters which influence the peak type as defined on the Detection tab. This may be useful; for example, to avoid that the same peak is detected as a main peak in one chromatogram and as a rider peak in another chromatogram.


The Peak Type column applies only to unresolved peaks. For resolved peaks, the peak type is always Baseline-Main-Baseline.




The peak type is determined by an algorithm, considering the defined detection parameters.

Rider (R)/Main (M)

The peak is integrated as rider or main peak without baseline contact.

In the case of rider peaks, an additional distinction is made between peaks on the leading edge (u = up) and peaks on the trailing edge (d = down). Of course, this does not affect the type of baseline contact of the reference peak.


Chromeleon does not consider rider peaks when calculating the Optimum Integration Path.


The peak is integrated as main peak with left, right, or bilateral baseline contact.

A further distinction between b and B is made in the report: If a main peak has direct baseline contact on the left and/or right side, this is indicated by a capital B. If the baseline below non-resolved peaks is drawn from minimum to minimum (Valley to Valley), that is, from peak end to peak end, this type of baseline contact is characterized by a small b.

In the peak table, the classification is always B.


For information about how to add report variables to a report and set their parameters, refer to:

 Adding or Deleting Report Variables