Response Factor


Amount Table tab page
Report Variable (Peak Table)


Floating point number



Value Range:

0.000000 ... 9999999.999999



Related Parameters:

Weight (Sample Weight Factor)

Dil. Factor (dilution factor)


The response factor is a peak-specific dimensionless, multiplication and/or division factor, used to compensate for absorption differences in the case of differing wavelengths. The response factor is entered in the corresponding column of the Amount Table in the QNT Editor.




Select Absolute to correct the amount value received from the peak area via the Formula for Amount Calculation by the entered factor. In this way, for example, absorption differences at different wavelengths can be compensated. Besides, losses of readily volatile samples can thus be considered in the calculation (especially common in gas chromatography).

Relative to Peak

Select Relative to Peak to calculate the peak in relation to a reference peak. Any identified peak with absolute response factor can be used as the reference peak. The basis of the evaluation is the calibration curve of the selected reference peak. The amount value calculated in this way is multiplied by the reciprocal value of the relative response factor and thus corrected.


Example: Relative to Peak

Under certain conditions, an active agent in a tablet decomposes into various products. As standards for these products are difficult to produce or very expensive, the active agent and the decomposition products are calibrated infrequently; for example, once a year.

If the active agent and the decomposition products are calibrated via the linear without offset function, there is a direct correlation between the slope of the active agent calibration curve and the calibration curves of the individual decomposition products. This proportionality between the calibration coefficient c1 of the active agent and that of the decomposition product is expressed as the Response Factor and must be determined by the user.

Should the active agent and/or the decomposition product be determined in an analysis, the existing calibration and the Response Factor determined for each decomposition product is used. The factors are entered as relative values (Response Factor column) in the peak table; that is, the active agent in the tablet is used as the reference peak.

Calculating the amount values of all decomposition products is according to the calibration coefficients of the active agent, corrected by the Response Factor.


The response factor is peak-specific.

In contrast to this, the Sample Weight and the Dilution Factor of the sequence are sample-specific; that is, they apply to all peaks.


For information about how to add report variables to a report and set their parameters, refer to:

 Adding or Deleting Report Variables