Installing and Controlling Thermo Scientific Devices
Thermo Scientific A2D

Device Type:

High resolution, single/dual-channel analog to digital signal converter.

Device Driver:

Thermo Scientific > A2D Analog to USB Adapter

Supported Options:


The following versions of the A2D are supported:

  • Single-channel A2D (A2Ds with a serial number less than 015000): one channel, four relays, eight inputs.

  • Dual-channel A2D (A2Ds with a serial number of 015000 or higher): two channels, eight relays, eight inputs.

Data can be acquired using:

  • An A2D channel. This is called channel acquisition mode. In this mode, the following data collection rates are available: 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, and 100.0 Hz.


  • A channel from a different driver (device on the same or another timebase) using an ADC port (port names: A2D_ADC and A2D_ADC2). This is called port acquisition mode. In this mode, the data collection rate is fixed at 100.0 Hz. The channel using the ADC port fully controls the data acquisition.



  • Do not install both Chromeleon and Thermo Scientific Atlas CDS software (and their respective A2D drivers) on the same computer.

  • There are no A2D-specifc pages in the PGM editor/wizard. Use the Commands view to create and edit PGM Files manually.

  • When port acquisition mode is being used and the port is used by a different timebase, the detailed run state display on the A2D screen and LED cannot be shown. It is also possible that inconsistent states can be indicated (e.g., data acquisition is running while the driver is at Wait Injection).

  • When port acquisition mode is being used and the port is used within the same timebase, the detailed run state display on the A2D screen and LED works normally, with the exception that the PGM run time ("total run time") cannot be displayed.


What is required?


Timebase Class 1


  • A free USB port on the Chromeleon Server PC

  • USB cable supplied with the A2D

  • Analog input cable(s) supplied with the A2D


Hardware Installation

  1. Ensure Chromeleon is installed on the Chromeleon Server PC.

  2. Connect the A2D to the USB port on the Chromeleon Server PC using the USB cable supplied with the A2D. When you make the connection, the Chromeleon Server PC detects the new device. The A2D is then ready to be configured in the Chromeleon Server Configuration (see Software Installation below).

  3. Use the supplied analog input cable(s) to connect the analog output(s) of the instrument(s) to the A2D. For further information, refer to the hardware manual for the A2D.

Software Installation

  1. In the Chromeleon Server Configuration, add the A2D Analog to USB Adapter device to a timebase. For details, see Adding, Configuring or Deleting Devices. When you add the device to the timebase, the A2D dialog box opens automatically at the General tab page.

  2. In the Serial Number field on the General page, select the serial number of the A2D from the drop-down list.

  3. Make any additional settings in the configuration dialog box for the A2D as required. For more information, click Help or press F1.


    The device Name for the A2D must be unique within the timebase.

  4. Click OK to accept the configuration settings.

  5. On the File menu, click Save Installation to save the new installation.

Further Information

For detailed installation instructions, refer to the hardware manual for the A2D.

For an overview of the different Thermo Scientific/Thermo Finnigan/ThermoQuest/TSP devices available in Chromeleon, refer to  Thermo Scientific.