Method Window:
PGM Editor/Commands View

The Commands view is the actual program editor. It is a standard text editor, similar to Windows WordPad. Use the Commands view to manually edit a PGM File if the required parameters are not available in the respective Device View. The view lists all commands to be executed in automatic routine operation, the exact time each command will be executed, and any comment lines.

Different colors are used to facilitate orientation in the program. Distinctions are made between control commands (black text), comment lines (green text), Trigger and If commands (blue text), and incorrect instructions (red text).


If you want to edit your program later in the Device views (see Control: The PGM Editor  The Device Views), Dionex recommends entering all comments right at the beginning of the program. In some cases, Chromeleon cannot assign comments to the associated commands when re-sorting. Thus, it may happen that some comments appear at the wrong position after you have edited the program in the Device views.

A Program can be modified directly or via the edit box. Open the edit box by pressing the F8 key.



To open the edit box via the F8 key, you have to connect the PGM File to a timebase while the server is running (to do so, select the Connect to Timebase command on the Control menu). If there is no connection to a Timebase, all program lines are displayed in gray print.


For more information about how to create and/or edit a PGM File, refer to Control:

 The Control Program

 The Program Syntax

 The Program Wizard


For a description of the Control Commands, refer to:

How to: Creating and Modifying Programs  Creating a Program

Device Control  Practical Tips for Device Control (Overview)



Try to avoid editing programs for Tandem Operation. If editing is necessary, keep in mind that you have the make the corresponding changes also for the other pump. Any inconsistencies that might occur are displayed on the Consistency Check page. (When Chromeleon detects inconsistencies, this page opens automatically when you exit the PGM Editor and specify that you want to solve the problem(s). As an alternative, you may open this open by clicking the x2 Tandem Operation icon.)