Installing Dionex Devices
UltiMate 3000 Series Pumps: Installation


Device Type:

Pump for HPLC applications

Device Driver:

Dionex HPLC:  UltiMate 3000

  • DGP-3600 Pump, DGP-3600SD Pump, DGP-3600RS Pump, DGP-3600BM Pump

  • HPG-3x00 Pump, HPG-3x00SD Pump, HPG-3x00RS Pump, HPG-3200BX Pump

  • ISO-3100 Pump, ISO-3100BM Pump, ISO-3100SD Pump

  • LPG 3x00 Pump, LPG-3400SD Pump, LPG-3400RS Pump, LPG-3400BM Pump


For installation instructions for the LPG-3400XRS pump, refer to UltiMate 3000 Series LPG-3400XRS Pump: Installation.

Hardware Options

For information about the available configurations, refer to the operating instructions for the pump.


RD, SD, and B pump:

If an OAS-3x00TXRS autosampler is used:

If the pump is connected to an OAS-3x00TXRS, and piston hub synchronization is activated, no more modules can be controlled via the relays.


What is required?


Timebase Class 1


A free USB port and the following cables are required:

  • USB cable (Dionex part no. 6911.0002) to connect the pump to the server PC via the USB port

  • Optional: 15-pin D-Sub cable to connect an SRD-3x00 Solvent Rack to the pump (the cable, Dionex part no. 6000.1006, is included in the SRD ship kit.)

  • Optional (all pumps except RS/SD/BM/BX pumps): Shutdown cable (Dionex part no. 6035.0004) for connecting an UltiMate 3000 pump with an ESA Corona or Coulochem III detector.

  • Optional (RS/SD/BM/BX pumps only): 6-pin Mini-DIN signal cable (5m; Dionex part no. 6000.1004) to connect devices, such as an ESA Corona or Coulochem III detector to the Digital I/O ports on the rear of the pump.

Control Panel:

To control the instrument, use

  • panel tabsets (refer to How to:  Controlling Devices from the Panel Tabset)


  • a suitable panel from the
    Dionex Templates\Panels\Dionex_LC
    folder in the Browser.


Hardware Installation

Device Connection:

First, install the Chromeleon software, and then connect the instrument to the USB port on the Chromeleon server PC.  

Dionex recommends interconnecting all modules of an UltiMate 3000 system, and then connecting the system to the Chromeleon server PC via only one connection. For more information about how to connect the system modules, refer to the operating instructions for the pump.

Also refer to Connecting Dionex Devices via USB.


Dionex recommends using the USB ports for connections to Dionex instruments only. Dionex cannot guarantee correct functioning if instruments from other manufacturers are connected.

Solvent Rack

If the UltiMate 3000 system includes an SRD-3x00 Solvent Rack with analytical vacuum degasser, the SRD can be operated with the pump. To do so, connect the Solvent Rack port on the rear of the pump with the related port on the rear of the Solvent Rack, using the connection cable from the SRD ship kit.


A Solvent Rack with an analytical degasser cannot be used with a semipreparative pump.


Software Installation

  1. In the Chromeleon Server Configuration, add the driver to a timebase. For details, see Adding, Configuring or Deleting Devices. After you add the driver, the configuration dialog opens automatically.

  2. On each configuration tab page, select the desired settings. For information about the settings on a page, click Help or press F1.

Further Information

For detailed installation instructions, refer to the operating instructions for the instrument.

For troubleshooting information, refer to Troubleshooting for USB and TCP/IP Connections.

For an overview of the different Dionex devices, refer to  Installing Dionex Devices.