Tab Dialog Box:  

Specify the general device or hardware parameters, such as device name, Demo Mode and interface address.






Device Name:

Indicates the name under which the instrument is identified in the installation environment (also, see Naming Devices...). To control the instrument via the existing Control Panels, accept the default name. If you do not accept the default name, you may have to edit the PGM Files and re-link the corresponding controls of the control panel. (Also, refer to How to: Controlling Devices from the Control Panel  Linking a Control to a Device in the User Help section.)



Serial Communication:

Select the serial interface to which to connect the device (Port).

The current interface parameters (such as baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits, and handshake) are displayed here.



Network Communication:

Enter the IP Address to allow LAN control of the TRACE GC through the chromatography data system. The GC is shipped with a default IP address (, which may not match the needs of the LAN where the GC is to be installed. To change the default values, contact your LAN administrator and ask for the IP address, the netmask, and eventually the port to be assigned.

  • The IP address is made up of four integers written in the format, for example,


You can simply add the IP address of the GC and click the ‘Get Current Configuration’ button to download the configuration from the GC.

Select the Advanced check box to display options for defining the following communication settings:

IP Port Number – Enter a valid server port number to enable transmission of the measured data from the GC to Chromeleon.


Make sure that the entered port number matches the configured port number on the GC. Otherwise the driver will not be able to create a connection with the GC.

Check with your network administrator if necessary.

IP Timeout – Set the maximum period of time during which the system waits for a response from the GC. If this time is exceeded, the system aborts the running batch.

If, for example, communication issues between the GC and the firmware network occur, it might be necessary to change the timeout.



Demo Mode (or Simulation Mode):

Select Demo Mode (called Simulation Mode in some devices) if you are configuring a module for demonstration purposes only. Demo mode lets you simulate module control and data acquisition without requiring the module to be connected to an actual instrument.

Select Off to disable the demo mode.

Select Read to read and display data from an existing demo file instead of real data. Select the demo file from the Demo File Name drop-down list.

Select Write to save the data currently delivered by the detector in a demo file. Enter the (directory and) file name in the Demo File Name input field.