
Specify the general device and hardware parameters, such as the device name, Demo Mode, and the port:






Device Name:

Indicates the name under which the instrument is identified in the installation environment (default: HPLC_System; also, refer to Naming Devices...). To control the instrument via the existing Control Panels, accept the default name. If you do not accept the default name, you may have to edit the PGM Files and re-link the corresponding control of the control panel. (Also, refer to How to: Controlling Devices from the Control Panel  Linking a Control to a Device in the User Help section.)




Select the COM port to be used by the HPLC system.




After you have selected a port, click this button to check communication with the HPLC system.



Serial Communication:

If you control the HPLC System via a COM port, the current interface parameters (such as baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits, and handshake) are displayed.



Demo Mode:

Select this check box to enable Demo Mode.


A wizard guides you through the initial installation of the instrument:


Clicking Next> takes you to the next wizard page.


Also, refer to Hardware Installation  Merck Hitachi LaChrom HPLC System: Installation.