Tab Dialog Box:
General (TRACE 1110 GC)

Use this tab page to specify the Device Name, Serial Port, Demo Mode, Pressure Unit, Powerline Frequency, and Serial Number of the TRACE 1110 GC. The page also displays the main firmware version of the GC.






Device Name

Indicates the name by which the instrument is identified in the installation environment (also, see Naming Devices...). To control the instrument via the existing Control Panels, accept the default name. If you do not accept the default name, you have to edit the PGM File(s) and re-link the corresponding controls of the control panel. (Also, refer to How to: Controlling Devices from the Control Panel  Linking a Control to a Device in the User Help section.)



Serial Port

Select the serial port number (COM port) on the Chromeleon Server PC that is used to connect to the GC. This enables communication between the GC and Chromeleon.


  • The Serial Port parameter is disabled if Demo Mode (see below) is set to Read.

  • Ensure the selected port number does not conflict with other applications or ports used by other devices, for example another GC, which are connected to the same PC.

  • Ensure the entered port number matches the configured port number that is used to connect to the GC. Otherwise the driver will not be able to create a connection with the GC.



Demo Mode /

Demo File

Select Off to disable demo mode.

Select Read to read and display the data of an existing demo file instead of real data. Select the demo file from the Demo File drop-down list.

Select Write to save the data delivered by the detector to a demo file. Enter the (directory and) file name in the Demo File name input field.


The demo mode setting affects the availability and settings of other tab pages in the GC's configuration.



Pressure Unit

Select the pressure unit (kPa, bar, psi) from the drop-down list.


This setting is sent to the GC when you click OK.



Powerline Frequency

Select the power line frequency. The value selected must match the reported frequency of the connected GC. The default value is 50 Hz.


  • If the powerline frequency is set to 50 Hz, the following data collection rates are available for each detector type configured on the GC timebase: 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, and 50 Hz.

  • If the powerline frequency is set to 60 Hz, the following data collection rates are available for each detector type configured on the GC timebase: 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, and 60 Hz.



Serial Number

Enter the main serial number of the GC. It should match the main serial number of the connected GC.



Firmware Version

Displays the main firmware version of the GC (read-only). It should match the main firmware version of the connected GC, which is displayed on the GC's front panel during startup (the firmware version has the format Mxx/Lyy-zzzz, where Mxx is the main firmware version). If the installed firmware version is not supported, the firmware must be updated to properly control the GC. Please refer to the List of Supported Instruments for the supported firmware version(s).


The touch panel version (Lyy) and the A/D card firmware version (not displayed on the GC instrument panel) are included in the configuration report for the TRACE 1110 GC.



Click this button to download the hardware configuration from the GC.