Dialog Box:
ESA Model 542 Configuration  

Specify the general device and hardware parameters for the ESA 542 autosampler:





Device Name

Indicates the name under which the instrument is identified in the installation environment (default: Sampler; also, refer to Naming Devices ...). To control the instrument via the existing Control Panels, accept the default name. If you do not accept the default name, you may have to edit the PGM Files and re-link the corresponding control of the control panel. (Also, refer to Linking a Control to a Device.)



COM Port

Select the serial interface to be used for connecting the device.

Note: The COM Port option is not available in Demo Mode.

In addition, the fixed interface parameters (baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits, and handshake) are displayed.




Select the address under which the device is identified in the network (default: E0).



Sample loop volume

Enter the volume of the sample loop installed on your autosampler (default: 100 µL).



Syringe volume

Click the arrow to select the syringe volume (default: 250 µL).



Needle to Valve vol

Specify the needle-to-valve volume (default: 15 µL).



Tray type

Select the tray type installed on the autosampler (default: “84+3 Vials”).



Vial type

Select the vial type to be used (default: “Std”).



Demo Mode

Select this check box to activate Demo Mode.



Set All to Default Values

Click this button to restore the default settings.


For installation details, refer to  ESA Model 542 Autosampler: Installation.