Installing and Configuring Mass Spectrometers
Defining the Number of MS Channels

Use the Installed Channels tab page in the  Server Configuration Program to limit the number of channels. You can define a maximum of 69 channels (default setting) for the aQa MS or 74 channels (default setting) for the MSQ MS and display them on the Control Panel during data acquisition.


Bear in mind that data will be lost if more channels are defined in the program than can be recorded according to the Server Configuration settings.

Distinguish between channels for individual ions (= SIM channels), channels for total ions (= TIC channels), and TICF channels (= Total Ion Chromatogram Full-Scan). SIM channels are recorded in Selected ion monitoring (= SIM) mode, while Full-Scan mode is required for TICF channels. In full-scan mode, you can extract Mass Traces online during data acquisition. (For more information, refer to How to: Using Mass Spectrometers  Extracting Mass Traces Online in the User Help section.) These Online Mass Extract Channels (OMECs) are designated MS_01 to MS_32.

Each mass that is recorded in the method in Selected ion monitoring (= SIM) mode requires its own channel. The User Help section provides examples; refer to How to: Using Mass Spectrometers  Creating aQa MS Channels with the aQa PGM File or  Creating MSQ Channels with the MSQ PGM File. For a list of SIM masses for anion, cations, and amines in water, refer to How to: Using Mass Spectrometers  Creating SIM Mass Lists for IC-MS in the User Help section.

If you notice after data acquisition that a channel is missing, you can extract separate mass traces (this may be mass ranges, as well) from the Mass Spectrum and save them as new channels (see How to: Using Mass Spectrometers  Extracting Mass Traces Afterward in the User Help section).