Chromeleon OQ
Performing Chromeleon OQ Manually
Follow the steps below to perform Chromeleon Operational Qualification manually:
Verify that the Chromeleon Server is running and no process is active.
Start the Server Configuration program.
Save the actual configuration under a unique name.
Load the CM_OQ.CFG configuration file from the Bin subdirectory of the Chromeleon directory.
Start the Chromeleon Client if it is not yet running.
Exit all windows except the Browser.
Connect to the Datasource that contains the sequence template.
Copy the sequence template.
Open the Control Panel of the copied Sequence and connect it to the CM_OQ Timebase.
Open the batch list. If necessary, delete any sequences stored in the batch list. Add the copied sequence.
Start the Batch.
Make sure that no modifications are made in Chromeleon while the sequence is being processed (duration: 28 minutes).
When the sequence has been processed completely, print the report by selecting Batch Report on the File menu of the Browser.
Start the Server Configuration program.
Reload the configuration stored before you started Operational Qualification.
For information about how to perform Chromeleon OQ automatically, refer to How to: Working with Files, Databases, and Networks Performing Chromeleon OQ Automatically.
For more information, also refer to the Chromeleon Operational Qualification Operating Instructions.