Tips for Privilege Assignment
Sequence and Sample Privileges

Sequences are always treated as a whole. That is why a user can

the files of a sequence, such as

as well as

together with the sequence, even if the user does not have the corresponding

However, the user must have the corresponding sequence privileges, i.e.:


Less meaningful combinations

Samples and raw data are stored only in sequences. Thus, it is useless to disable the CopySamples privilege when the CopySEQ privilege is enabled.

If the user copies a sample from one sequence to another, the sample is appended to this sequence. The user can then modify the sample and set its status to single. In this way, even a user without the corresponding privileges can append a new sample. Thus, it is useless to disable the AppendNewSamples privilege if the CopySamples, ModifyFinishedSamples, and ModifiyFinishedStatus privileges are enabled.

Inserting samples into a sequence, appending samples to a sequence, modifying or deleting finished samples, editing columns, and deleting raw data are considered changes to a sequence. A user who does not have the ModifySEQ privilege cannot perform these changes. Thus, it is useless to enable the InsertNewSamples, AppendNewSamples, ModifyFinishedSamples, ModifyFinishedStatus, DeleteFinishedSamples, DeleteRawData, or CustomizeColLayoutSEQ privilege if the ModifySEQ privilege is disabled.

To change the status of finished samples, a user needs the ModifyFinishedSamples and ModifyFinishedStatus privileges. Thus, it is useless to enable the ModifyFinishedStatus privilege if the ModifyFinishedSamples privilege is disabled.

To rename sequences that contain raw data, a user needs the RenameSeq and RenameSeqWithRawData privileges. Thus, it is useless to enable the RenameSeqWithRawData privilege if the RenameSeq privilege is disabled.