Maximum Rider Ratio



Detection tab page
Report Variable (Detection Parameters)


Fixed point number


Percent [%]

Value Range:

0 ... 99.99



Related Parameters:

Rider Threshold



If one or several peaks (h1 to h4) are above the Rider Threshold in a series of non-resolved peaks, Chromeleon determines via the Maximum Rider Ratio detection parameter, whether a peak is classified as main peak or Rider.


For this, the height of the peak to classify is put in relation to the height of the greatest peak in the series (reference peak).

As can be seen in the figure, not the "real" peak height of the peak to be classified is evaluated but the distance between the peak maximum and the skimming tangent.

If the ratio h/b multiplied by 100 percent produces a value larger than the one defined as maximum rider ratio, the peak is a main peak.

If the ratio h/b multiplied by 100 percent produces a value smaller than the one defined as maximum rider ratio, the peak is a rider peak.


Starting with the largest peak in the series (reference peak), all adjacent peaks are then classified. As soon as another main peak is recognized, this peak automatically becomes the new reference peak (bī). The maximum rider ratio is recalculated considering bī. The remaining peaks are classified again. The process is continued until all peaks of the series are classified.

Riders can be recognized as such by the skimming tangent drawn on the chromatogram plot and by a Ru (Rider up) or Rd (Rider down) entry in the Type column of the report (Integration tab page).



In order to be effective, the criterion must be enabled before the peak start!


The Type (Peak Type) criterion in the peak table has priority! The criterion specified here, is effective only in combination with PEAK TYPE = AUTO!


For information about how to use individual detection parameters, refer to Integrating Chromatograms and Identifying Peaks  Defining Detection Parameters.