Relative Amount/Area/Height



Report Variable (Peak Results)




All peaks for Relative Amount;

All detected Peaks for Relative Area and Relative Height

Related Variables:

Height, Amount, Area


The Relative Height peak variable refers to the peak height relative to the average height of a certain peak group or a specific peak.

The Relative Amount variable refers to the amount portion of a peak relative to others.

The Relative Area variable is the portion of the peak area in the sum of all peak areas (total area).


The peaks used as a reference are determined via options. Select the respective column in the report, select Column Properties on the context menu, and select the variable in the selection box. Click Parameter to determine the peak to be used as reference.

All Peaks

(Relative Amount)

Amount portion relative to the sum of all amount portions of all peaks.

All detected Peaks (Relative Area/Height)

The areas or heights of all detected peaks are used for the calculation.

All identified Peaks (Relative Area/Height)

The areas or heights of identified peaks only are used for the calculation.

All Peaks of the same Group

The peaks of a peak Group are used for the calculation (e.g, amount portion relative to the sum of all amount portions in one group).

The corresponding ISTD-Peak

The relative peak amount/area/height is indicated in relation to the corresponding value for the Internal Standard Peak.

The corresponding Reference Peak

The relative peak amount/area/height is indicated in relation to the corresponding value for a selected Reference Peak.

Multiply all peak area values with the following formula before computing the corresponding percentage values

(Relative Area/Height)

Select this check box to multiply the peak area or height values with the returned values of a formula before the results are calculated. Type a formula in the box. The formula may also refer to a user-defined column in the peak table.

Use this function, for example, to multiply the relative areas with the response factor entered in the Response Factor column of the peak table ("normalized area percentage"). In this case, use the following formula: peakTab.response_factor (default).

For information about how to add report variables to a report and set their parameters, refer to:

 Adding or Deleting Report Variables