Peak Shoulder Threshold



Detection tab page
Report Variable (Detection Parameters)


Fixed point number



Value Range:

Off; 0.01 ... 1000.00


Off; that is, shoulders without relative maximum are not recognized as peaks. Only if value ¹ Off, shoulders are detected.

Related Parameters:

Rider Threshold

Type (Peak Type)


The Peak Shoulder Threshold parameter defines a threshold value for peak shoulder recognition.


First, the average baseline curvature is determined for the entire chromatogram. The curvature threshold value is the product of the average baseline curvature and the threshold value.

Detected peak shoulders with a maximum curvature above this threshold value are not considered. Select the Sensitivity detection parameter to influence the determination of the average baseline curvature. Higher sensitivity results in a smaller average baseline curvature and thus effects peak shoulder recognition.


Peak shoulders are treated like "normal" peaks. All other detection parameters (such as rider criteria, minimum criteria as well as peak recognition via peak table) except the peak group parameters (Peak Group Start/Peak Group End) and the Valley to Valley parameter are used for peak shoulders as well.


For information about how to use individual detection parameters, refer to  Defining Detection Parameters.