IC Control
Selecting the DX-120 Mode
Two modes are available for a DX-120 equipped with the dual-column option:
Column mode enables switching of flow from one column set to another in a DX-120 Ion Chromatograph equipped with the dual-column option. When the column is switched, the eluent flow is also switched. For example, when column A is selected, flow is from eluent reservoir A through column A. If a command switches the flow to column B, flow is then from eluent reservoir B through column B. Use the ColumnAB command to switch the flow from one column set to the other.
Eluent mode enables switching the flow from one eluent to another in a DX-120 Ion Chromatograph equipped with the dual-column option. In this mode, the column-switching valve is disabled. The selected eluent always flows to the column that was selected when Eluent mode was enabled. Use the EluentAB command to switch the flow from one eluent reservoir to the other.
The ColumnAB and EluentAB commands can be included in a Program, executed directly from the Commands dialog box, or linked to a control on the control panel (see Controlling a DX-120 Ion Chromatograph).
To select the mode:
Open the Server Configuration.
Select the DX-120 in the timebase.
Double-click to open the Properties dialog box (or right-click and select Properties).
Select the Mode tab page, and then select the desired option.