Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
Varian CP-3800 GC: Sampler
In addition to the General Device Commands and the standard autosampler commands (see
Dionex Autosamplers), the Varian CP-3800 GC supports the following commands and properties (please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed):
Property/Command |
Range/Values |
Description |
AbortWashVial |
I, II, III |
(Only CP-8400) Wash vial that is used when the injection was aborted. |
AdvanceTray |
Yes, No |
Sets whether both injections are performed from the same tray (No) or whether the second injection is performed from the next tray (Yes).² |
AirPlugAfterSample |
0.0 - 5.0 µl 0.0 - 10.0 µl 0.0 - 100 µl |
Volume of the air gap after the sample.³ |
Buzzer |
On, Off |
(Only CP-8400) Turns the buzzer on or off at the beginning of the injection cycle. |
CleanBetweenInjections |
Yes, No |
Sets whether a wash cycle is performed between injections (Yes). |
Depth_1 (or Depth_2) |
0 - 100 % |
(Only CP-8400 if the injection port 1 (or 2) is enabled in the configuration) Sets how deep the syringe needle descends into the injector. |
FillStrokes |
0 - 99 |
Number of piston strokes for filling the syringe. |
FillVolume |
0.0 - 5.0 µl 0.0 - 10.0 µl 0.0 - 100 µl |
Volume with which the syringe is to be filled. |
FirstInjectorUsed |
Position_1, |
Sets which injector is used first for the injection. (If only one injector is installed, the property is read-only.) |
Home |
(Only CP-8400) Recalibrates the sampler's Home position.
Select this command when a mechanical error occurred after the sampler accessed a position. |
InjectionDelay |
0.0 - 10.0 min |
Determines how long the sampler waits between injections. |
InjectionMode |
Split_Splitless, |
Only if the injection mode is set to User Defined, all sample parameter can be controlled in Chromeleon. |
InjectorPosition |
Position_1, |
Sets which injector is used first for the injection. (If only one injector is installed, the property is read-only.) |
InjectWaitTime |
0.0 - 10000000.0 |
Indicates the time between the Inject command in Chromeleon and the response to Chromeleon from the autosampler. |
IntStd_AirGap |
On, Off |
(Only CP-8400 for the Viscous, Volatile, and User_Defined injection modes) Enables usage of an air gap for the internal standards. |
IntStd_Delay |
0.0 - 9.9 s |
(Only CP-8400 for the Viscous, Volatile, and User_Defined injection modes) Delay time for the internal standards. |
IntStd_Enable |
On, Off |
(Only CP-8400 for the Viscous, Volatile, and User_Defined injection modes) Enables usage of an internal standard. |
IntStd_Position |
I, II, III |
Position of the internal standard. |
IntStd_Speed |
0.1 - 25.0 µl/s 0.1 - 50.0 µl/s 1 - 100 µl/s |
(Only CP-8400 for the Viscous, Volatile, and User_Defined injection modes) Speed with which an internal standard is drawn. |
IntStd_Volume |
0.0 - 4.9 µl 0.0 - 9.9 µl 0.0 - 99 µl |
(Only CP-8400 for the Viscous, Volatile, and User_Defined injection modes) Volume of the internal standards. |
PlungerStrokes.Upperlimit |
1 - 10000 |
(Only CP-8400) Sets the upper limit for the number of plunger strokes. |
PlungerStrokes.Value |
0 - 10000 |
(Only CP-8400) Indicates the number of plunger strokes. The property can be reset to 0 after a piston has been exchanged. |
PostWash |
0 - 99 |
(Only CP-8400) Sets how often the syringe is washed with solvent after the injection. |
PreWash |
0 - 99 |
(Only CP-8400) Sets how often the syringe is washed with solvent before the injection. |
SampleAirGap |
On, Off |
Enables usage of an air gap for samples. |
SampleDepth |
0 - 100 % |
(Only CP-8400) Sets how deep the syringe needle descends into the sample vial. |
SampleWash |
0 - 99 |
(Only CP-8400) Sets how often the syringe is filled with sample before the injection. |
SecondInjectionVolume |
0.1 - 5.0 µl 0.1 - 10.0 µl 0.1 - 100 µl |
(Only CP-8400 if both injection ports are enabled in the configuration) Sets the volume for the second injection. |
SolventDepth |
0 - 100 % |
(Only CP-8400) Sets how deep the syringe needle descends into the solvent vial. |
SolventPlug_AirGap |
On, Off |
Enables usage of an air gap for solvent plugs³. |
SolventPlug_Delay |
0.0 - 9.9 s |
Delay time for solvent plugs³. |
SolventPlug_Position |
I, II, III |
Position of the solvent plug³. |
SolventPlug_Speed |
0.1 - 25.0 µl/s 0.1 - 50.0 µl/s 1 - 100 µl/s |
Speed with which the solvent plugs are drawn³. |
SolventPlug_Volume |
0.0 - 5 µl 0.0 - 10 µl 0.0 - 100 µl |
Solvent plug volume³. |
Speed_1 (or Speed_2) |
1 - 30 % |
(Only CP-8400 if the injection port 1 (or 2) is enabled in the configuration) Sets how fast the syringe needle descends into the injector. |
State |
On, Off |
(Only CP-8400) Indicates whether the sampler has injected. |
Status |
Ready, |
(Only CP-8400) Indicates the autosampler status*. |
SyringeVolume |
5µl, 10µl, 100µl |
Indicates the syringe volume*. |
VialDetect |
On, Off |
(Only CP-8400) If VialDetect = On (default setting), the sample checks whether a sample vial is available at the next position. If the vial is missing, the injection is aborted. If VialDetect = Off, no error message is logged if the vial is missing. |
Visc_Delay |
0.0 - 9.9 s |
Delivery time for viscous samples³. |
Visc_DispenseSpeed |
0.1 - 25.0 µl/s 0.1 - 50.0 µl/s 1 - 100 µl/s |
Speed with which viscous samples are dispensed³. |
Visc_DrawSpeed |
0.1 - 25.0 µl/s 0.1 - 50.0 µl/s 1 - 100 µl/s |
Speed with which viscous samples are drawn³. |
Visc_PostInjectionDelay |
0.0 - 99.9 s |
Time that the needle remains in the injector after a viscous sample was injected³. |
Visc_PreInjectionDelay |
0.0 - 99.9 s |
Time that the needle remains in the injector before a viscous sample is injected³. |
0.1 - 5.0 µl 0.1 - 10.0 µl 0.1 - 100 µl For the 8100/8200: |
Injection volume. An error message appears if the total injection volume (Volume + IntStd_Volume + SolventPlug_Volume + AirPlugAfterSample) exceeds the syringe volume. |
WashCycles |
0 - 10 |
(Only CP-8400) Sets how often the syringe is washed after an abort. |
WashSpeed |
0.1 - 25.0 µl/s 0.1 - 50.0 µl/s 1 - 100 µl/s |
(Only CP-8400) Sets the speed with which the wash volume is drawn. |
WashVials |
(Only CP-8400) Sets from which wash vial(s) the wash solvent is drawn. |
WashVolume |
0.1 - 5.0 µl 0.1 - 10.0 µl 0.1 - 100 µl For 8100/8200: |
Wash volume. |
* These properties are read-only.
² Chromeleon supports these properties only if the injection port setting on the Sampler tab page in the Server Configuration is Injection ports = Position 1 and 2.
³ Chromeleon supports these properties only for the CP-8400 in the User_Defined injection mode. An error message is displayed if these properties are set in an injection mode other than User_Defined:
For installation details, refer to Hardware Installation: Installing and Controlling Third-Party Devices Varian CP-3800 GC: Installation in the Administrator Help section.