Dionex Autosamplers
Dionex AS-DV Autosampler

In addition to the standard autosampler commands (see  Dionex Autosamplers), the Dionex AS-DV Autosampler supports the additional commands and properties listed below. Please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed.


Valve Commands and Properties




If the timebase for the AS-DV includes a device with an injection valve (for example an ICS-900, ICS-1100, or ICS-2100), this command switches the external injection valve to the inject position. This command also switches the optional high-pressure valve, if it is installed in the AS-DV and configured as an injection valve.


If the timebase for the AS-DV includes a device with an injection valve (for example an ICS-900, ICS-1100, or ICS-2100), this command switches the external injection valve to the load position. This command also switches the optional high-pressure valve, if it is installed in the AS-DV and configured as an injection valve.


This property is available only when the optional high-pressure valve is installed in the AS-DV and is configured as the injection valve. Refer to Options (AS-DV Autosampler Dialog Box).

State indicates or sets the valve position.

LoadPosition switches the valve to the load position.

InjectPosition switches the valve to the inject position.

If the timebase for the AS-DV includes a device with an injection valve (for example an ICS-900, ICS-1100, or ICS-2100), this property also switches the external injection valve in the IC system module.


This property is available only when the optional high-pressure valve is installed in the AS-DV and the valve is configured as an auxiliary valve. Refer to Options (AS-DV Autosampler Dialog Box).

State indicates or sets the valve position.

A switches the valve to the A position.

B switches the valve to the B position.

This property only switches the AS-DV valve; it does not affect a valve in another device in the timebase.


Status Commands and Properties




Indicates the status of sample delivery. The following statuses are possible: GoToVial, Delivering, DeliverDelay, NeedleHomeDelay, NeedleHoming, Completed (read-only).


Indicates the autosampler's operating mode (read-only).


Indicates the operating status of the AS-DV. In DirectControl mode, the following statuses are possible: Ready, Bleeding, NeedleUp, NeedleDown, CarouselMoving (read-only).


The size of the current vial: No_Vial, Half_mL, 5_mL (read-only).


The volume of liquid remaining in the current vial (read-only).


Delivery Commands and Properties




The current sample position from the sequence (read-only).


Delivers a specified Volume of rinse liquid from a specified carousel Position.

Volume: specify Full (for a full vial volume) or a number of microliters.

Position: specify Rinse, a specific vial number, or a position relative to the current vial.

Example: DeliverRinse Volume=200 Position=Rinse

Select Rinse to take the rinse from vials in the vial range specified in the Server Configuration program. To define a rinse vial range, see Options (AS-DV Autosampler Dialog Box.


Delivers a specified Volume of sample from a specified carousel Position.

Volume: specify Bleed, Full, or a number of microliters.

Position: specify a specific vial number or a position relative to the current vial.

Specify Bleed to deliver excess sample (and any trapped air) from the vial to waste before delivering the injection volume to the loop or concentrator column.

Example: DeliverSample Volume=Bleed Position=CurrentVial


Specifies the speed at which sample is delivered. Enter the speed in 0.1 mL/min increments, from 0.1 to
5.0 mL/min.


Specifies the vial position for the DeliverSample command. The carousel moves to this position only when the DeliverSample command is executed.


Sets the position of the vial. The carousel moves to this position immediately.


Specifies the volume for the DeliverSample command.


Other Commands and Properties




Engages and disengages the carousel. During routine operation, the AS-DV sets this property automatically.


Sets a uniform time between injections. The time between injections is never shorter than the specified cycle time. However, if the previous program is still running when the cycle is over, cycle time will be ignored.


Designates when the cycle time is complete (CycleTimeState.Ready) or still in effect (CycleTimeState.Waiting) (read-only).


Specifies the volume from the tip of the sampling needle to the injection valve. The default DelayVolume is set in the Server Configuration program. Refer to Options (AS-DV Autosampler Dialog Box).


Signals the start of the overlapped sample preparation commands. In order for sample overlap to occur, this command must be present in the program, and the Sample Overlap option must also be enabled in the Server Configuration program. Refer to Options (AS-DV Autosampler Dialog Box).


Signals the end of the overlapped sample preparation commands.


Determines how much excess sample will be flushed through the loop, based on the following formula:

(Loop Volume + Delay Volume) * Flush Factor

The default FlushFactor is set in the Server Configuration program.


Moves the needle to the home (raised) position.


Resets the VialSize (to No_Vial) and VolumeRemaining properties for vials in a specified range. Example:

ResetVials StartVialPosition=1, EndVialPosition=10


Reports whether sample overlap is enabled or disabled (read-only).


State indicates or sets the state of the relay output (Open or Closed).

Open turns on the device.

Closed turns off the device.


Stops the current operation. After the current operation is stopped, the needle is returned to its home position and the carousel moves to position 1.


State: Reports the state of the TTL_Input (read-only). TTL inputs are normally at 5 volts. When a controlling device sets the TTL input to 0 volts, the AS-DV starts the sample load cycle.

Mode: Reports the TTL Input Mode, selected in the Server Configuration program (read-only).


Wellness Commands and Properties




Sets the CurrentValveActuationCounter to 0. The counter increments each time the position of the high-pressure valve (if installed) is switched.


Sets the CurrentVialProcessCounter to 0. The counter increments each time the carousel moves a vial into place for processing.


Sets the CarouselJamCounter to 0. The counter increments each time the carousel jams.


Sets the NeedleJamCounter to 0. The counter increments each time the needle is jammed.


Sets the SpeedAdjustmentCounter to 0. The counter increments each time the speed is adjusted due to a carousel jam.


Delay Properties




Specifies the time delay after delivery. No other AS-DV commands can be executed during this delay. At the end of the delay, the next AS-DV command in the program (if any) can be executed.  


This property is used only when the AS-DV is being controlled with the TTL input. Specifies the time delay before homing (raising) the needle after delivery.