Dionex Sample and Fraction Manager
Sample and Fraction Manager: PGM File for Fraction Collection

You can use the left arm of the Sample and Fraction Manager (SFM) for fraction collection. Chromeleon supports the following high-level commands for fractionation: Collect, Drain, Eject, and TubePosition.

A typical program for a timebase with SFM (device name: SFM_A and SFM_P), Fraction Collection driver (device name: Fraction Collection), pump (here: Dionex P680P HPG-4), and detector (here: Dionex UVD340U PDA) if only the UV_VIS_1 channel is used for peak detection could look as follows:


; Preparing the devices for the next sample

-1.000  PumpDevice =  "Pump"

 Flow = 50.000

 %B = 0.0

 %C = 0.0

 %D = 0.0

 Pressure.LowerLimit =  0

 Pressure.UpperLimit =  150

 %A.Equate =  "%A"

 %B.Equate =  "%B"

 %C.Equate =  "%C"

 %D.Equate =  "%D"


 CollectFractions =  Yes

 CollectOutsidePeaks =  No


; Preparing the SFM_A for fraction collection

 SFM_A.MovementMode =  Interrupt

 SFM_A.TubePosition = FractionCollection.TubePosition


 SFM_P.InjectMode = LC_Overlap



;* Definition of triggers for fraction collection starts here.


; Note: The Fraction Collection driver increments its TubePosition property before the TubeChange and FracEnd triggers are executed. Thus, the SFM driver only has to synchronize its TubePosition with the fraction collection property.

 Trigger FracStart FracStartDetected

; When a new fraction collection starts, the sample needle should be positioned already over the correct tube to start collecting immediately.




 Trigger TubeChange FracTubeChange

 ; Tube change necessary: synchronize SFM_A with fraction collection position

 SFM_A.TubePosition = FractionCollection.TubePosition



 Trigger FracEnd FracEndDetected

; Fraction collection ends, the remaining content of the syringe is ejected, the plunger is moved to Drain position, and the arm is moved to next tube to be prepared for next collection


 SFM_A.TubePosition = FractionCollection.TubePosition




;* Definition of triggers for fraction collection ends here.



 TubeMaxVolume =  2.000000

 FractionCollection.TotalNumberInstalled = SFM_A.TotalNumberInstalled

 MaxTubesPerFraction =  Unlimited

 TubeWrapping =  No

 DelayTime =  1.0

 DetectionChannel2.OffsetTime =  0.5

 DetectionChannel2.Name =  "UV_VIS_1"

 DetectionChannel2.PeakStartSlope =  0.500

 DetectionChannel2.PeakStartThreshold =  10.00

 DetectionChannel2.PeakMaxSlope =  0.000

 DetectionChannel2.PeakEndSlope =  -1.000

 DetectionChannel2.PeakEndThreshold =  10.00

 DetectionChannel2.ThresholdNoPeakEnd =  2000.00

 DetectionChannel2.BaselineOffset =  0.000

 DetectionChannel2.BaselineDrift =  0.000

 UV_VIS_1.Wavelength =  225

 UV_VIS_1.Bandwidth =  1

 UV_VIS_1.RefWavelength =  600

 UV_VIS_1.RefBandwidth =  1

 UV_VIS_1.Step =  Auto

 UV_VIS_1.Average =  On

 UV_VIS_2.Wavelength =  250

 UV_VIS_2.Bandwidth =  1

 UV_VIS_2.RefWavelength =  600

 UV_VIS_2.RefBandwidth =  1

 UV_VIS_2.Step =  Auto

 UV_VIS_2.Average =  On

 UV_VIS_3.Wavelength =  275

 UV_VIS_3.Bandwidth =  1

 UV_VIS_3.RefWavelength =  600

 UV_VIS_3.RefBandwidth =  1

 UV_VIS_3.Step =  Auto

 UV_VIS_3.Average =  On

 UV_VIS_4.Wavelength =  300

 UV_VIS_4.Bandwidth =  1

 UV_VIS_4.RefWavelength =  600

 UV_VIS_4.RefBandwidth =  1

 UV_VIS_4.Step =  Auto

 UV_VIS_4.Average =  On

 3DFIELD.RefWavelength =  600.0

 3DFIELD.RefBandwidth =  1.9

 3DFIELD.Step =  0.5

 3DFIELD.MinWavelength =  200.0

 3DFIELD.MaxWavelength =  595.2

 3DFIELD.BunchWidth =  1.9


0.000    Flow = 50.000

 %B = 0.0

 %C = 0.0

 %D = 0.0


 Wait SFM_P.Ready








; If the SFM_A does not operate in the overlapping area during fractionation, the SFM_P can be cleaned (not shown here) and the next sample can be prepared if necessary, e.g.:


8.000   SFM_P.PrepareNextSample


CollectFractions = No SFM_A.Wash WashStation=Wash1, Cycles=2







10.20   End



In the example, DetectionChannel1 is not used for the first detection channel because '1' and 'I' look almost identical when Courier is the selected font.

For more information, refer to:

 Sample and Fraction Manager Commands

 Commands for Fraction Collection

 Tips for Injection

 Overlapping Areas