Dionex Autosamplers
ESA 542 Autosampler
Chromeleon provides the commands and parameters from the table below (please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed).
General and Configuration Commands and Properties
Command/Property |
Description |
LoopVolume |
Reports the loop volume defined in the Chromeleon Server Configuration. |
NeedleToValveVolume |
Reports the needle-to-valve volume defined in the Server Configuration. |
SyringeVolume |
Reports the syringe volume that is defined in the Server Configuration. |
TrayType |
Reports the tray type defined in the Server Configuration. |
StartWash |
Starts a manual wash. |
StopWash |
Stops a manual wash |
VialType |
Reports the vial type defined in the Server Configuration. |
Injection-related Commands and Properties
AnalysisTime |
Sets the analysis time in seconds. The analysis time can be used to delay the next injection for a specified amount of time, for example, to allow a detector to equilibrate between samples. |
FlushVolume |
Sets the flush volume used for FullLoop and PartialLoop injections. |
InjectionMode |
Determines the mode of sample injection. |
Position |
Specifies the position of the sample on the sample tray. |
RunStatus |
Reports the status of the run (read-only). |
StopInject |
Stops a manual sample injection. |
SyringeSpeed |
Sets the syringe speed (Low, Normal, or High). |
UseAirSegment |
introduce a 5µL air segment between the sample and the wash solvent when loading the sample loop. Use of an air segment is not recommended in MicroliterPickUp injection mode. In this mode, the air segment would travel to the chromatography column. |
UseHeadPressure |
Determines whether or not to use headspace pressure in the injection. |
Volume |
Reports the injection volume. |
VolumesPerWash |
Specifies the number of syringe volumes to use per wash. |
WashBetweenSamples |
Specifies whether or not to perform a wash between sample injections. |
Temperature Commands and Properties
ActualOvenTemp |
Reports the current temperature of the column oven. |
ActualTrayTemp |
Reports the current temperature of the tray. |
NominalOvenTemp |
Sets the nominal temperature for the column oven. |
NominalTrayTemp |
Sets the nominal temperature for the tray. |
OvenAvailable |
Specifies whether an oven is available or not. |
OvenOnOff |
Enables or disables the column oven. |
TrayCoolingAvailable |
Specifies whether tray cooling is available or not. |
TrayCoolingOnOff |
Enables or disables tray cooling. |
UseOven |
Specifies whether or not to use the column oven. |
UseTrayCooling |
Specifies whether or not to use tray cooling. |
Mix Method Commands and Properties
CycleVolume |
Indicates the volume to mix in a mix method. |
DestVialOffset |
Sets the number of vial positions between a sample and its destination vial. |
MixFrom |
Indicates where to dispense from (either from SampleVial, Wash, ReagentAVial or ReagentBVial) |
MixTo |
Indicates where to dispense to (either to DestinationVial or SampleVial). |
MixVolume |
Reports the volume dispensed in a mix step. |
mmDispense_Vol_From_To |
Performs a dispense step in a mix method. Volume: Sets the volume to be dispensed. From: Sets where to dispense from (from SampleVial, Wash, ReagentAVial or ReagentBVial). To: Sets where to dispense to (to DestinationVial or SampleVial). |
mmMix_Vol_Reps |
Performs a mix step. Retention Time: Sets the retention time. CycleVolume: Sets the volume to mix. Cycles: Sets the number of mix repetitions |
mmWait_Secs |
Performs a wait step in the mix method. |
NumCycles |
Indicates the number of mix repetitions |
WaitSecs |
Indicates the wait period. |
System Wellness and Predictive Performance Commands and Properties
GetCountlog |
Reports the syringe, syringe valve and injector valve countlog values. |
InjectorValveCountlog |
Reports the total number of injector valve switches. |
SyringeCountlog |
Reports the total number of syringe draws. |
SyringeValveCountlog |
Reports the total number of syringe valve switches. |
It is critical that the destination vials be positioned properly, since the autosampler cannot recover from a missing destination vial. If a missing destination vial is detected, the autosampler will sound an audible alarm and Chromeleon will abort a running sequence.
It will then be necessary to press the <PANIC STOP> button on the autosampler's LCD panel, followed by the <SERIAL> button, to recover from this condition.
For additional autosampler commands and a program example, refer to:
Using a Mix Method (ESA Autosampler 542): Program Example
For an overview of the control commands provided for the Dionex/ESA devices, refer to Commands for Controlling Dionex Devices.
For installation and configuration details, refer to ESA 542 Autosampler: Installation.