Program Wizard:
Sampler Options (User Program — AS-AP)

Use this page of the Program Wizard (see Control  The Program Wizard) to create user-defined injection steps for the AS-AP Autosampler. This page is displayed only if the UserProg injection mode is selected.


Reagent Vials

Use this section to specify the reagents and assign them to their corresponding vials.



Prep Vial

Specify the vial used for sample preparation:

To always use the same vial, select the Fixed Position check box and select the vial from the list.

To specify a vial relative to the current vial, select the Sample vial + check box. Use the arrow keys to specify a vial.


To ensure that the relative position command works for different rack types, Dionex recommends that you edit the program manually afterward. Also, you can specify sample and prep vial positions in a different row of the sample rack or in a different segment of the carousel. For details, refer to  Sample Position Commands (AS-AP).




Select the command you want to execute, and then select the related parameters in the fields below. For a list of available commands and descriptions, refer to  Dionex AS-AP Autosampler: Commands for User-Defined Programs.

Insert: Inserts the command with the selected parameters in the user-defined program.

Change: Changes the selected command by saving the currently set parameters.

Delete: Deletes the selected command.



Open Template

Opens a previously defined program as a template.



Save as Template

Saves the defined program as a template.