Sequence Wizard:
Sequence Wizard: Standard Samples

In this step of the Sequence Wizard (see Samples and Sequences  The Sequence Wizard), determine whether the Sequence to be generated contain standard samples. Select one of the following options:



You cannot enter a name. (The sequence does not contain standard samples.)



Use template:

A template is used to generate the names of the standard samples. For a list of available templates, see Sample Name.



Import from clipboard:

The names of the standard samples can be imported from other lists or documents via the clipboard. Select the corresponding section of the document (for example, an Excel column), copy the content, and insert it into the Sequence Wizard by clicking Import.



Import from sequence:

Click Import to select an existing sequence. The names of the standard samples are inserted into the new sequence.


After you have selected the Use or Import option, additional fields will be displayed. Use these fields to further define the standard sample entries to be generated.


Template for Sample Name:

(Only for the Use template option)

Select a template for the name of the standard samples to be created. The template includes a name that can be freely edited and the following wildcards. Click the > button and select:

#n, #N: Sample number

#p, #P: Sample position

#i, #I: Injection volume

#r, #R: Replicate number

##: Character #

When generating the sequence, a freely selectable combination of wildcards for the sample number, position, replicate number, and injection volume is consecutively added to each name. A wildcard can be used multiple times.

In addition, one of the given options can be selected:

Standard#p; #r.Replicate



Standard#n generates the following sample names for the Number of Vials = 3 and the Injections per Vial = 1:






Number of Vials:

Number of standard sample vials.



Injections per Vial:

Specify the number of injections for each standard. Each injection requires one entry in the sequence.



Start Position:

Position of the first standard sample in the autosampler. When generating the sample list, the position of the next standard samples is increased by 1. The sample number of the analysis and standard samples is automatically checked to prevent overlapping.



Inject Volume:

Enter the uniform Injection Volume of a standard sample to be injected. Possible modifications should be made when the sequence is completely generated.




Select this check box to define how many of the previously defined standard samples are added to the sequence and after how many analysis samples.




Click Apply to create a new sample list from the information specified. View the result in the Sequence Preview or Rack Preview window on the right.



Sequence Preview:

Select this option for a preview of the sequence (including sample name, sample position, and sample volume).



Rack Preview:

Rack Preview illustrates how to arrange your samples in the sample rack. The colors indicate the following:

  • Light blue: Analysis (or unknown) sample

  • Yellow: Standard sample

  • Red: Error - Analysis sample and standard sample overlap. (Because the analysis samples and standard samples are created separately (steps 2 and 3), vial positions may overlap. Any necessary corrections can be made afterward.)

If you use an autosampler for which Rack Preview is not supported, or if no connection is available to the Timebase, an error message appears.