Method Window:
PGM Editor/Device View

Click this icon on the left pane to open the associated  The Device View.


As a prerequisite, you have to connect the PGM File to a timebase while the server is running (also, see the Connect to Timebase command on the Control menu). If the PGM File is not connected to a Timebase, the different device views are not available.

On the right pane, the different device views contain one or more tab pages that correspond to the pages of  The Program Wizard.

Use these tab pages to enter new parameters or to modify existing parameters. Some special parameters are supported neither in this view nor in the Program Wizard. However, you can enter them manually in the Commands view.


If your program already contains many comments, it may make sense to edit the PGM File in the Commands view and not in the Device Views. If you edit such a program in the Device Views, it may happen in some configurations that the single commands appear at the "wrong" position. Please note that comments that were entered at the end of a line are removed. Therefore, please check the program before saving the changes.

For more information, refer to How to: Creating and Modifying Programs  Editing PGM Files in the Device Views of the PGM Editor.