Dialog Box:
Tube Rule: Target Compound Found

Determine the rule if a target compound is found. Chromeleon checks the results of the associated Post-Acquisition Step.


Target Compound

Click the arrow and select the target compound to find. Select the Must be found for all samples in the vial check box if the target compound must be found for all samples from this vial.



Detail Test

Select the Check result of detail test check box to limit the search.


If this check box is cleared, all available conditions are checked.

Click the arrow and select a test. (You can define these tests via the post-acquisition steps):

Peak found

Checks whether the peak defined in the post-acquisition step was found.

Ion Present Test

Checks whether the ion of interest was found.

Mass Spectrum Purity Test

Checks whether the target compound is sufficiently pure.

Amount Check Test

Checks whether the amount is sufficient.

Custom Tests

Checks the user-defined conditions. (If several user-defined conditions exist, all conditions must be fulfilled.)


If you have selected a condition that was not defined in the post-acquisition steps, this condition is regarded as not being fulfilled.