Inject/Fraction Tray Properties:
Tube Format

Determine how the tubes are displayed:


Format Rules

The list contains the current format rules for the tubes. The rules are checked one after the other, from top to bottom. The Condition column lists the samples to which the rule applies. All other entries in the respective line are considered only if the condition is fulfilled.

The Changes column lists the most important format changes. The Continue column indicates whether the other format rules must be observed.


You can extend or modify the list at any time, using the buttons at the top of the list:

Click this button to add a new rule. Determine for which vials/tubes the format is used:

For Inject Trays, select:

All Vials


Used Vials

Vials from which at least one sample was injected.

Sample Type

Vials from which at least one sample of a certain sample type (see Type (Sample Type)) or different samples of specified sample types were injected. Selecting this option opens the Tube Format Rule: Sample Type dialog box.

Finished Samples

Vials for which all samples injected from them are finished.

Interrupted Samples

Vials from which at least one sample was injected that was interrupted.

Running Sample

Vials from which the running sample was injected and/or from which a preparation sample will be injected.

Target Compound found

Vials in which the target compound was found. Selecting this option opens the Tube Format Rule: Target Compound found dialog box.

Current Sample

Vial from which the current sample was injected.

Custom Condition

Vials that fulfill a user-defined condition. Selecting this option opens the Tube Format Rule: Custom Condition dialog box.


For Fraction Racks, select:

All Tubes

All tubes

Current Tube

The current tube

Current Peak

Tubes containing a portion of the current peak. Selecting this option opens the Tube Format Rule: Current Peak dialog box.

Current Sample Set

Tube filled with the same Auto Purif. Ref as the current tube..

Current Preparation

Tube filled from the current preparative sample (Auto Purification Type = Preparation).

Current Sequence

All tubes filled in the current sequence from the same analytical sample (Auto Purification Type = Analytic).

Custom Condition

Tubes that fulfill a user-defined condition. Selecting this option opens the Tube Format Rule: Custom Condition dialog box. All peaks for which the peak maximum is in the current tube are checked.

Tube analyzed

Tubes from which a Fraction-type sample (Auto Purification Type = Fraction) was created.

Custom Condition
of Analysis

Tubes from which a Fraction sample that fulfills a user-defined condition was injected. Selecting this option opens the Tube Format Rule: Custom Condition of Analysis dialog box.

Click this button to edit the selected rule. The selected rule determines which dialog box (see above) is opened. If the selected rule has no parameters, the button is disabled.

Click this button to delete the selected rule. You may also press the Del key to delete the selected rule.

Click this button to move the selected rule upward.

Click this button to move the selected rule downward.


Select or clear the Continue with next rule, if condition has matched check box for the selected rule.

  • Select this check box to have Chromeleon observe the next rule.

  • Clear this check box to have Chromeleon ignore the next rule.



Tube Format

Determine the format for the selected condition by selecting the appropriate Set… check box:

Border Line Style

Click the button and select a border line style. The style profile provides lines with different patterns and thicknesses, as well as several 3D options.


If a very dark color is selected, the 3D effect may not be clearly visible.

Border Line Color

Click the button and select a border line color. Select a predefined color or else click the color bar to open a standard Windows dialog box with more options.


Note the crisscrossed gray color rectangle at the bottom right. Selecting this rectangle sets the color to transparent. In this case, no border line will be displayed.


The line thickness relates to the size of the window. That is why a 10pt line appears thicker in the tray view than a 10pt line in a small overview window (if this is 10% of the total size).

Label Font

Click the button to open the Windows Font dialog box. Select the settings.

Label Color

Click the button and select a label color as described in Border Line Color.

Tooltip Text

Define the text that is shown when hovering over the fraction numbers with the mouse.

Click the {..} button and select a variable from the Report Categories listed in the Insert Variable into Peak Label Formula dialog box. (The variable is always evaluated for the current sample, channel, and/or peak. If there are several samples, the first sample is used. In the same way, the default channel and the peak that is nearest to the tube center is used.)


Pos. {tube.position("Tray Position")}

This formula  generates a tooltip that shows the fraction position on the tray:

Pos. BA5

Fill Color

Click the button and select a fill color as described in Border Line Color.

Fill Pattern

Click the button and select a fill pattern from the pattern profile.

Pattern Type

Click the button and select a pattern type from the pattern profile.

Pattern Color

Click the button and select a pattern color as described in Border Line Color. (The transparent color option is not available.)



If two rules apply to a tube or vial and if a value is set in the first rule (e.g., a pattern) while the same value is not set in the second rule, the first rule applies for this value. The second rule for this value is overwritten only if the value is explicitly set.