Spectra Library

UV spectra libraries can be helpful in identifying unknown substances. UV spectra can be saved in spectra libraries and later compared to the spectrum of the unknown substance. Make sure that the different spectra are recorded using the same solvent.

Apart from absorption values, each spectrum in a library contains various ID data fields that you can edit to facilitate spectra searches. The following fields are available:





This column shows the name under which the substance is included in the spectra library. Select a column entry to assign a new name to the corresponding substance.




This column shows the short ID that is assigned to the spectrum. Use this column to save several spectra under the same substance name in a spectra library. The Ids, such as consecutive numbers, then distinguish the spectra ID.




This column shows the number of extreme values in the spectrum determined by the system. Select a column entry to change the number.




This column shows the solvent in which the spectrum was recorded. Select a column entry to edit.




Use this column to document details on the saved spectrum.




This column indicates the wavelength range of the recorded spectrum.




This column shows the Bandwidth with which the spectrum was recorded.




This column indicates the retention time at which the spectrum was extracted from a peak.



Ret. Index

If available, the column indicates the Retention Index of the substance.



Kovats Index

If available, the column indicates the Kovats Index of the substance.




This column indicates the Step with which the underlying 3D Field was recorded.




This column indicates the detector with which the spectrum was recorded. The name is taken from the Server Configuration.



Detector Serial No.:

This column indicates the serial number of the detector from the Server Configuration.




This column indicates the name of the timebase with which the spectrum was recorded.




This column indicates the name and the patch of the sequence from which the extracted spectrum is taken.



Sample Name:

This column shows the name of the sample from which the extracted spectrum is taken.



Acq. Date/Time:

This column shows the date and time at which the spectrum or the underlying 3D field was originally acquired.




This column shows the name of the PGM File that was used to generate the underlying chromatogram.



Extract Date/Time:

This column shows the data and time at which the spectrum was extracted and saved.



Extract Operator:

This column shows the name of the user who extracted the spectrum and saved it to the spectra library.