Displaying Calibration Curves
Display of Calibration Points

A purple cross marks the standard sample or the Spiked Sample that is currently used: . (The sample has been selected on the Calibration tab page of the QNT Editor. For information about the editor, see Data Representation and Reprocessing  The QNT Editor.) If you disable a specific sample in the Enabled column on the Calibration tab page of the QNT Editor, e.g., because an error occurred during determination of the area value, this sample is excluded from calibration. A red asterisk marks the corresponding calibration point: . This kind of calibration points is not considered when the calibration curve is determined. To exclude standards, completely or in part, from calibration, select Disable Standard on the context menu of the Calibration Curve.

To display validation samples, Select Decoration on the context menu. The Calibration Plot Decoration dialog box is opened. On the Options tab page, select the Draw validation sample points check box. Validation samples are indicated by the following symbol: . They are not considered for calibration.