Automatic Batch Processing

The technical complexity of modern chromatography systems, the resulting high purchasing costs, and the constantly increasing number of samples in analysis laboratories make continuous operation a necessity. Thanks to Autosamplers, very efficient PCs, and modern data systems, this has become routine. The user merely provides "replenishment."

When the actual sample preparation is completed, the chromatographic conditions for processing, the samples to be processed, and the processing order must be communicated to Chromeleon. This information is determined in the sample list and stored as a Sequence.

Independently processing of one or several sequences is referred to as Batch processing or batch.

Starting the Automatic Batch

To start processing, the following steps are required:

Online Batch: Chromatographic analysis of the batch

When the online batch has been started, all samples of the sequence with the status single or multiple are analyzed successively. If a sequence contains a sufficient number of samples, sample processing "around the clock" is possible.

Instead of including all samples in one sequence, they can be distributed among several sequences. In this case, enter all sequences in the batch dialog.

The sequence list is considered a batch; it is also referred to as online sample batch or online batch. The order of the sequences determines the order of processing: After the batch has been started, samples 1 to n of the first sequence are analyzed, then samples 1 to n of the second sequence, etc.

Offline Batch: Actions after the chromatographic analysis

The data acquisition results of the batch are saved with the individual samples. When the results are processed offline after data acquisition, e.g., when they are printed, exported, signed, etc., the batch is referred to as offline batch.