Raw Data Storage in Case of Power Failure

The raw data of a sample interrupted by a power failure is not lost because raw data autosave is performed continuously during sample processing. Autosave ensures that the raw data is stored on the hard disk at short intervals specified by the user (the shortest possible interval is approximately 30 seconds). If a power failure occurs, only data collected since the last autosave is lost.

If a power failure interrupts the automatic sample batch, Power Failure Protection and power failure handling ensure that processing is continued at the same position when the system is restarted. In addition, you can run a power failure program to reset the system to a defined state.

If processing is interrupted by warnings or error messages, you can run an appropriate Emergency Program. This sets the system to a defined state that is recorded in the Audit Trail.

For more information, refer to:

Creating and Modifying Programs:

 Specifying an Emergency Program

 Creating a Power Failure Program