The Browser
Differences from the Windows Explorer
Only chromatographic data that is part of a Datasource is presented in the Browser. (For more information, refer to the Data Management section.)
The top-level item in the Browser hierarchy is the datasource. A datasource can be created only in the Browser; it is not a standard subdirectory in the Windows Explorer. A small icon indicates the type of data on which the datasource is based (e.g., Chromeleon data or GynkoSoft data). You can see only those datasources for which you have the appropriate access rights.
The directory structure underneath the datasource is similar to the directory structure in the Windows Explorer (yellow file icons), allowing you to organize the different Sequences in the datasource (identified by blue file icons). It is not possible to create a subdirectory underneath a sequence.
Select a datasource, subdirectory, or sequence to display its contents on the right Browser pane.
For a datasource or subdirectory, you see the usual list of all directories and files. If you select a sequence, the right pane is divided horizontally into two panes, providing information about the general properties of the selected sequence (header) and listing all analysis and standard samples and their sample data (Sequence Editor).
It is possible to edit the sample data right here. For GynkoSoft users, this corresponds to the Sample (SMP) File. You can add additional samples to the sequence, modify existing sample data, or remove old samples. For more information about the sequence editor, refer to the Samples and Sequences section.
To search for specific sequences, data, or samples, select Query on the context menu. It is possible to search several datasources simultaneously. A Query allows you to search both across several datasources and for specific properties, for example, "all samples starting with PAK."
Moving, deleting, or copying directories, data, and/or files is very similar to these actions in the Windows Explorer. (For more information, refer to The Browser Common Features with the Windows Explorer.) However, keep the following in mind:
Move, delete, or open chromatographic files only in the Browser. The reason is that, except for the visible results, processes are performed below the surface.