The Mass Spectra Plot


The Mass Spectra Plot enables the display of Mass Spectra. The prerequisite for opening the mass spectra plot is that the corresponding raw data recorded by a Mass Spectrometer are available. Open the mass spectra from the Integration method.

The representation of a mass spectrum is height normalized: The height of the spectrum is represented in percent and thus independent of the concentration (also, refer to Normalization). As a default, this normalization is by the Base Peak of the spectrum.

Normalization allows you to objectively compare two spectra of different concentrations. If mass spectra of the same peak, but from different peak heights are overlaid, these will generally coincide despite the differences in concentration. Due to their higher information density, mass spectra are displayed in Chromeleon below each other, which is contrary to the display of UV spectra that are overlaid.

Displaying Mass Spectra of one Peak

Displaying Mass Spectra of Different Samples

To compare mass spectra of different samples objectively: