Installing and Controlling Third-Party Devices
Waters 2487 UV Detector: Installation


Device Type:

UV Detector (2 channels)

Device Driver:

Waters: 2487 Detector

Hardware Options

Wavelength range: 190 to 700 nm



  • The detector can simultaneously monitor data of two channels only if the frequency is set to 1 Hz. To receive a reliable chromatogram, the peaks must span at least 20 s.

  • For hardware reasons, the parameters for detector control are downloaded within a single binary data block before starting data acquisition. That is why the following commands and properties can be changed in total max. 8 times in a program:

    • Wavelength

    • Autozero

    For example, if the wavelength of the two channels is changed seven times during data acquisition, the Autozero command is possible only once.

  • It is not possible to use the remote inputs when the detector is controlled by Chromeleon.

  • The Waters 2487 UV Detector can only be controlled after it has been initialized completely. (The initialization process takes about six minutes.)

  • This Waters device cannot connect to a NI-488.2 driver version 15.0 or later. You must use a NI-488.2 driver with software version ≤ v.14.0.


What is required?


Timebase Class 2


The following cable is required:

GPIB cable (Dionex part no.: 5919.0013; for more information refer to  GPIB IEEE 488 Bus Cable)


You cannot connect the Waters 2487 UV Detector to a UCI Universal Chromatography Interface because the UCI does not provide a GPIB connector.


GPIB interface card or GPIB/USB adapter
Tested for detectors with firmware version 1.01.


The Waters BusLAC/ETM card cannot be used with Chromeleon.

Dionex advises against using Waters devices and Agilent HP 1100 Systems on the same GPIB card.


VISA library (≤ version 14.0)

Control Panel:


Hardware Installation


When connecting several devices or systems via GPIB, connect them in series (not in a star structure) and turn all devices on. Otherwise, communication problems may occur.

  1. First, install Chromeleon software, and then connect the instrument using the GPIB IEEE 488 bus cable from Dionex.

  2. To control the detector via a PC, you have to assign a unique GPIB address:

Software Installation

For details about how to add timebases and device drivers to the Server Configuration, refer to Adding, Configuring or Deleting Devices. When you add a driver to the timebase, the configuration dialog or wizard opens automatically. For information about the settings, click the Help button on a page or press F1.


 Waters Instruments: Troubleshooting

 GPIB-Connected Devices: Troubleshooting

For a list of all error messages, refer to the Error Levels tab page of the instrument's Properties in the Chromeleon Server Configuration program.

Further Information


For more installation details, please refer to the manual for the instrument.

For information about the supported GPIB interfaces, refer to Connecting Third-Party Devices via GPIB.

For an overview of the different Waters instruments that can be controlled by Chromeleon, refer to  Waters.