Installing and Controlling Dionex Devices
Active Flow Splitter (MRA): Installation

Hardware Installation

Device Connection:

Use the modem cable (Sub-D 9 female to Sub-D 9 female) shipped with the device to connect the flow splitter.


The standard Dionex modem cable does not provide two female connectors. That is why you cannot use the Dionex modem cable in this case.

Device Settings:

Fig.: MRA rear panel

Verify that the blue S2 button is set to 1.

The following settings are supported:

 Baud rate 19200

 Data bits 8

 Stop bits 1

 Parity None

 Handshake Off


If problems occur, check the SW2 and SW3 settings. (Note: the switches are located inside the enclosure. Follow the steps in the operating instructions for the device.)

The SW 3 DIP switches should be set as follows:

 SW3-1  OFF

 SW3-2  ON

 SW3-3 ON

 SW3-4 ON

 SW3-5  ON

 SW3-6  ON

 SW3-7 ON

 SW3-8 OFF

The SW2 switch should be set to 2.


No restrictions known.

Software Installation

Install the Device Driver in the Chromeleon Server Configuration. (For more information about the program, refer to Software Installation and Communication  The Server Configuration Program.):

  1. Start the Chromeleon server.

  2. Start the Server Configuration program.

  3. Add the flow splitter to the selected timebase. Select Add Device on the Edit or context menu, and then select Dionex from the Manufacturers list box and Active Flow Splitter (MRA) from the Devices list box.

  4. The following settings are required (the links are only available in the online Help):

On the General tab page, select a free COM port and enter a device name.

The Error Levels tab page classifies the severity of any errors that occur. It is generally not necessary to change the default settings.

  1. To control the installed flow splitter, connect any specially developed Control Panel in the Chromeleon client to the corresponding timebase.


The User Help section provides more information about the commands and properties that are supported in Chromeleon; refer to Commands for Controlling Dionex Devices  Active Flow Splitter (MRA).


If communication problems occur, verify that the DIP switches are set correctly (see Device Settings above).

Further Information


For more installation details, refer to the manual for the instrument.

For an overview of the external motorized switching valves, refer to  Active Flow Splitter (MRA): Overview.


For an overview of the different Dionex devices that are distributed at present, refer to  Installing Dionex Devices.